Sully’s Saloon Menu

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  • Laura H.

    Food was good. Salad added grilled chicken with Caesar dressing on the side. He had a Reuben with fries. Can't mess either up. I was amused at the hip hop music and that's a plus because I go yo a hip hop fitness class 5x a week do threatened were music to my ears. Not sure why the lower ratings. We had fun.

  • DuJuan B.

    Where to start. Went there on a Saturday, about 4 pm. The place was empty so you would think the staff could handle a group of about 30, boy was I wrong. Service was very friendly but slow. Ordered drinks, Bahama mama was off, and I could quickly tell that the beer taps needed cleaning. The mrs. Orders the fish and chips, no flavor to the fish. I ordered the shepherds pie, and it was like ground beef soup with mashed potatoes spread over it. Sullys main thing is they're a night club that tries very badly to pass as a restaurant by day.

  • Maria Cariza V.

    Reviewing strictly the nightlife bar scene here. I went to Sully's tonight (Thursday night) and had a BLAST! Honestly, it had to be one of the best experiences I have had at a bar before! There is no cover charge and if your name is on a list, you get a wristband that gives you a discount on the already affordable wells. My group was not on "the list" but one of the very nice locals added us to their group and told us to have a good time (thank you, if you're reading this!). Our group ordered a Blue Moon and 2 Tequila Sunrises. The Tequila Sunrises were made well and they were made strong. Also the cup was big enough to hold a good amount of liquid. All of our drinks together came out to only $9!!! What?!?! That is ridiculously affordable! I'm from Southern California and have gone drinking in the San Diego, Orange Country and Los Angeles area and usually one Tequila Sunrise is already $10. Shot girls also walk around the bar with tasty Jell-O shots and free shots were given to girls at one point. The alcohol was definitely flowing! The music was pretty good, too! There was a lot of hip hop and old school played as well as top 40--so pretty much something for everyone. From my understanding, that DJ plays every Tuesday and Thursday. The night doesn't end until 4AM here, too! Great crowd, energetic staff, affordable drinks, and good music! Essentially, partying at Sully's was so much fun and I'm pretty sure my group is going back one more time before we leave Louisville.

  • Karen C.

    I experienced racism of a degree I didn't know existed in the 21st century. After standing up for a dark skinned man, who was forcibly expelled for being with me, light skinned woman, I had a cop try to tell me I'd get arrested for defending his right to be with me. I will never again support this play with my money and I suggest anyone who believes in human decency avoid it as well.

  • Jason M.

    As much as I hate leaving bad reviews, I also hate being treated poorly when going to a business. My wife and I were part of a large group that were participating in an event at Fourth Street Live one Saturday. The group organizers had already made arrangements for us to have a large table at Sully's. When my wife and I arrived, some of the party were already there and seated. Some had eaten and some were waiting on their food (pre-arranged menu). There were no more seats at the big, pieced together table, and we were told we could sit at a small table next to it. There were 5 of us at this table and we waited and waited for someone to come over and even speak to us. A waitress finally came over and talked to my wife and told her that the party seemed to be growing and growing and that she could not wait on us. She further said that if we needed anything we could sit somewhere inside or walk up to the bar to place our order. We had volunteered all day long and were exhausted. We had also been told our big party was fine well ahead of time. To be told that we were basically not going to get service did not sit well with me. I guess anyone that came to Sully's and decided to sit anywhere outside was just not going to get any service. This would have been somewhat tolerable had the place been packed with a line wrapped around the building, but there were many empty tables inside and out. I would imagine that with a half-empty business you would not want to turn anyone away, but that is not the case at Sully's. Sad, because it is a cool location, but one we will skip over from now on.

  • Laura S.

    we went for dinner before a bachelorette party at 6:30pm and thought we received a great deal before arriving ($25 2 drinks, a sals and an entree/appetizers & the bachelorette received a free meal). however, the service we received and ten quality of the food was horrible!! it took forever for everyone to get waters and/or the drinks they ordered. The salads came out on a side plate that you use for bread and was 4 bites worth of salad!!!! the food came out and ver half our of orders were wrong. One of the girls waited over 20 minutes for a water and ended up walking up to the bar to get a drink because the server never refilled hers. the server was rude and could have cared less about what anyone wanted or needed. the we did not stay any longer than we needed to past dinner. i would never recommend goi there for dinner to anyone!

  • Tim O.

    This place is laughably bad. We should have left when we felt our shoes sticking to the floor. Yeah yeah it's derby weekend I guess. Slow service. Confused waiter. The food was mediocre and portions were small. I don't know what in the area would be better, but I'd skip this place.

  • Hilary B.

    Bad... HORRIBLE service. Sub-par food, even for bar food. Bartender & server argued over what the drink special was. I will never go back.

  • Josh C.

    Went there on Saturday, July 7, 2012 at about midnight. Had two drinks, bill was $14. Slashed through the "tip" line, and left a cash tip. When the final charge hit the bank, it was $24. Apparently, the server felt entitled to a $10 tip on a $14 drink order (that's around 70% tip). I guess many patrons are so drunk when they leave that they don't notice being cheated, or assume they made the mistake themselves, but two drinks don't get a person to that state. Contacting Sully's via email, their webform, Facebook, and Twitter has resulted in no response from them (despite new Tweets appearing regularly). Called but have not been able to get an answer, just a voicemail system (no response yet to the VM I left, either). The bar itself was fine, just like any other bar on 4th street on a Saturday night. The drinks were decent. So if you don't mind the staff helping themselves to the contents of your wallet, I'm sure this is a fine place to go. If you want to get what you pay for and pay only for what you get, there are literally dozens of other bars nearby to choose from.

  • Rachel D.

    Staff we friendly, food was nothing special. Couldn't get over the card tables however

  • Andrew S.

    Sulleys hates navy vets, they degrade you. If you're a service member stay away. Sulleys will make fun and not take care of you. Navy vets get called out!!!! Worst bar ever

  • Tim D.

    Sully's is empty for a reason. Went on a weeknight, hoping for some quality Irish food & atmosphere. Walked in at prime dinner time, with a grand total of 3-4 dudes sitting at the bar. Strange. Why could it be so empty? Well, and hour later, that answer was apparent. What I ended up having, was a decent Sheppard's Pie. That was the high-point of the visit. The wait staff was attentive (easy, when there are only 4 customers), and social. Now, for the negatives... This is an IRISH pub. Why the Hip-Hop music at full volume when the entire restaurant is empty? I don't care if your amp goes to 11, even if the music selection was decent. There is absolutely no reason to blast music at full volume, at dinner time, on a weeknight, when the place is empty! Play some traditional Irish music, at a respectable level, and you might actually get some customers. Until then, you are a "Hip-Hop" club, that happens to have a mahogany bar and green paint! Also... A $2 dollar sur-charge for "Rocks", with my bourbon? Really? I'll gladly pay $8 for a bourbon in the right place, but do you really need to charge $2 for a few ice cubes? Without that last insult, I probably wouldn't be writing this review. The positive: Sheppard's Pie was decent & the wait staff was attentive. The negative: God-awful music selection at full volume & an extra $2 charge to get ice cubes with my drink. As a business owner myself, I would recommend a good self evaluation, as to why you don't have customers on the weeknights, when the sports pub across the street is packed full and even TGIF and Hard Rock Cafe were comfortably busy. The Hip-Hop full volume music may be fine on Fri & Sat nights, when the overflow from the other bars will drive people to you (as a 2nd choice at best). If you want customers on a weeknight, be an "Irish Pub", not a "Hip Hop" club. Also, don't gouge for something as trivial as Ice in a drink. Be honest & charge $10 for a bourbon if you want. It's overpriced, but honest. The $2 charge for "rocks" is a good way to ensure you only have 1 time patrons (like me). PS: This is on my expense account, so the $2 has no effect on me. It's not the price, it's the dishonest approach you take with your customers. There are honest ways to pay the rent, but that is not one of them.

  • Tom S.

    Started coming here for work about 5 months ago. Lots of places to eat around 4th st. But you need to make it a point to come to sully's for the spicy chicken pasta. It is hands down the best pasta i have ever had anywhere. And ive been a lot of places, and a pasta fiend for a long time. Retarded good is an understatement. Staff is friendly and although its usually a sunday or monday when we come its never to over or under crowded. Damnit this pasta is good!

  • Cathy H.

    Awful service. We had a group of 10, the place was empty and it took 30 min. just to order drinks. Tabletops were sticky place stank like spilled stale beer, and after waiting 25 more minutes without getting even one drink we left.

  • Young J.

    I went to Sully's when I travelled down to Kentucky by myself. I heard about southern hospitality but I truly experienced it at Sully's and its friendly bartenders. I just sat by myself at the bar to enjoy some bourbon whiskeys and hit it off with the coolest bartenders and patrons there. Ricky the bartender is awesome!! Keep Louisville Cool at Sully's!!

  • Randall F.

    Our group came in on a Sunday night when the street was lively with a band and plenty of diners roaming, yet Sully's was 'empty'. After waiting 20 minutes at Maker's Mark for a table only to learn that they did not have enough staff to serve, we departed. We felt fortunate that we scored a private room for our large group but the dining service was friendly but very slow and as it turns out our server was the bartender, no wonder he only checked on us in between making drinks. Our food arrived sporadically or not at all, those were comp'd from paying but still!. Be leary of a empty restaurant. I think this must a better drinking establishment than restaurant....oh, we learned that they share the same kitchen as Maker's Mark...explains part of it.

  • Nate G.

    Bad music playing, a bartender who really only knew how to pour beer and a very college type atmosphere. These things would be ok if they were not in the downtown of a metropolitan area. Just not my taste.

  • Customer Service F.

    OMG.. All I can say is the food is good here, but the service is terrible in the afternoon. Myself and a coworker went in for a business lunch. The waitress was sitting at a table. I didn't even know she was the waitress. She was not friendly at all, looked like a stripper and acted as if she didn't want to be there. I ordered fries with the sandwich special they had which I thought was simple. How about the fries were old.. I swear they were reheated from the day before. Of course I sent them back and the new fries tasted and looked nothing like those. How stupid is a restaurant to slack this bad when they have so much competition nearby baffles me..

  • Dejah R.

    4th Street Live is a great area, but this particular restaurant was terrible. We booked a group of 70 on a Sunday ahead of time and they only provided ONE waitress. The rest of the restaurant was DEAD and we waited FOREVER for everything. One of my friends ordered a water and it wasn't brought with the rest of the group, so he waited another 30 minutes for it while they were taking food orders. In addition, they placed pitchers of water on our tables, so he could stare at them begging for a glass. They then ran out of glasses and gave him and another friend a plastic cup. Classy! Then came the agonizing wait of an hour for the food, which was good once it came, but the checks took another 45 mins to an hour to appear after that. We also all chose to pay separately and the restaurant decided to add a 20% gratuity to EACH individual tab! I understand them doing this if we paid as a group, but most restaurants don't do this on separate checks and there's a reason. We almost argued against the 20% because their "service" stunk so bad, but I was sick of sitting around for 2-3 hours to get food and a drink, so we just paid the tab and ran. I have no idea why they thought we were going to tip them in addition to the forced gratuity because this place is a joke. The British pub two doors down is MUCH better and MUCH more worthy of your money, especially if you're a large party.

  • Andrew Y.

    First off, let me start by saying that our entire experience at Sully's was a disaster. It started when the bouncer treated us like we were lucky just to be getting in to the bar. Being since we had a group of 5 on a business trip looking to buy top shelf drinks for clients, telling us that "it's a local bar so don't treat it like frat house," was a very, very big misjudgment. We come to Louisville multiple times a year and and usually go to Sully's quiet frequently. The DJ spilt beer on my clients while dancing shirtless on top of the bar. The bad experience continued when the heavily intoxicated bartender tried serving well whiskey when we asked for top shelf, then proceeded to argue with me when I called her out about it. Shortly after that my entire party was kicked out for "inappropriately touching" the intoxicated bartender, which was a blatant lie. The only reason this place manage to get the minimum star was because the bathroom was clean so there's that. If you looking for a douchey bar with guys dancing shirtless on the bar, then this place has your name all over it.

  • Melanie K.

    Don't Eat, Just Drink, and Be Merry. I will admit when I came across my coupon for dinner at Sully's, it wasn't until I sat down and had a menu in front of me that I believed it was the same Sully's at Fourth Street. Let's do the positives first. If you want to hear a great DJ, play beer pong, see single ladies and men, and dance your little heart out, Sully's is one of the best fourth street live clubs to go to. In fact, just the night before at 1am, it was the busiest club on the first floor. I have always had a great time dancing the night away at Sully's. Even while dinning at Sully's the staff was friendly, very attentive, and the place was pretty clean, but as we start to slide into the negatives of this place, it was only as clean as a night club can be when it is serving dinner. We ordered the chicken and mac n cheese, which was served lukewarm but had plenty of cheese flavor. I got the NY Strip for $20, but it tasted of lager beer not bourbon and was a terrible cut even for a strip steak. I ordered the steak MR, but apparently the club music got to the hearing of the staff, because it came out MW. Our coupon was buy one get one free entree so the whole dinner was only $20. We even tipped 20% off the original amount, like a good dining couple should, because our server was great. I feel a little bad giving only three stars, but the food really has brought down the overall appeal of this bar. My suggestion Sully's, if you are listening, stick to bar carb food and invest the steak money in new leather booths. It's more the opposite of Cinderella, here at Sully's at midnight it goes from a hoe hum pumpkin to a beautiful carriage!

  • Sherri K.

    Total shitshow.

  • Scott K.

    Went for lunch today. It was pitiful! There was only one waiter, and no managers were present. They did not have tea or ginger ale because the door to the supplies was locked and no one had keys. We ended up leaving because the service was so slow. I will not go back.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :11:00 am - 2:00pm
  • Mon : 11:00 am - 2:00pm


  • Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Bike Parking : Yes
    Good for Groups : Yes
    Noise Level : Very Loud
    Good For Dancing : Yes
    Alcohol : Full Bar
    Happy Hour : Yes
    Coat Check : No
    Smoking : Outdoor Area/ Patio Only
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Has TV : Yes

Sully’s Saloon

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