Five Guys Burgers and Fries Menu

  • Bunless Dogs
  • Burgers
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  • Sandwiches

Healthy Meal suggestions for Five Guys Burgers and Fries

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  • Burgers
  • Dogs
  • Sandwiches

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Visit below restaurant in Naperville for healthy meals suggestion.

  • yoku s.

    I really wish there's a 3.5 on the rating scale, because that's what I'd give this place. My husband & I decided to try their infamous burgers, because I loved their insistence and focus on quality ingredients & cleanliness, instead of spending money on advertising & decor. The boardwalk-style fries are good. I thought it had just enough salt, with crisp exterior, soft potato-intense flavor. It's good by itself, but dipped in vinegar & ketchup was tasty too. In the Inc. magazine article, it said they soak their fries in water, so when they pre-fry them, steam is forced out of the fries. This creates a seal so when they fry them a again, the fries won't absorb the oil, making them less greasy. The regular burger w/ double patties is too much for me...overpowers the condiments/bread. (I didn't know the "little" versions would be single patty). I love stuffing my burger with a bunch of veggies, so the free toppings are great. But I'm also used to medium rare burgers, making these well-done patties slightly dry & less juicy. I also wish the bread is grilled & left crisp. Instead, the bread is mashed down by hand (w/ finger imprint), so it becomes a thinner layer on the burger. Lastly, I didn't notice anyone wiping down tables / sweeping on the dining floor. As a result, crumbs, receipts, etc. were all over the tables & floors. Guess this location won't plan on winning the $1000 reward from corp. It also doesn't help that the cashier wasn't too friendly.

  • B. D.

    Probably one of the BEST burgers I've had (aside from the angus burgers my grill-master room mate makes). Fresh, wonderful, great toppings, and outstanding fries. Decent price for a very good burger when you'd pay just a few bucks less for a fast-food joint burger elsewhere. This place truly hit the spot. One thing you gotta know is -- this burger is messy... but that's how a *real* burger is supposed to be -- not these pristine burgers you see from fast-food restaurants where all the pickles are uniform and no condiments are peeking out from under the bun. LOL

  • Jeffrey R.

    Whats not to like? The overly loud music blaring while eating..and they even pipe it to the out door seating - so there is no escaping it. The burgers are top notch and they basically give you double the fries you order. In not a huge fan of the fries, they are just ok. They also have pretty good hot dogs as an option. And as others thats a big + in my book!

  • Dave B.

    Having heard about this place for so long I was glad to finally see one open in Naperville. The burger was great - almost makes me forget about living 1500 miles from an In n Out. However, I didn't really care for the fries too much. Really plain atmosphere inside. The free peanuts are nice, but for a fast food place, the rest is very pricey. The burger itself is what saved it from a two star rating.

  • Cristina G.

    If you have peanut allergies this place would be like hell for you. There are sacks of peanuts and peanuts everywhere! It's a good thing I don't have allergies because this place is awesome! The burgers are a little pricey but it's worth the money. The burgers are so tasty and you can put whatever you want on it. The fries are so good, def top 10 in my opinion. I always order the smallest size burger and fries and when I get my order it seems like I ordered the big size, they give you a lot of food. Another great thing is that it's open late so I can come here after hitting the local bars.It's located right down the street from the yoga studio I go to, so I like to come here and stuff my face after a nice 90 min workout, don't judge me. This place has great burgers and great service and great fries. Love it!

  • Tony D.

    Let me first say that I came in this place with very high expectations when it first opened. In fact, they hype grew as I was waiting in the rather long line because they had various new articles on the wall that were crowning them the best burger on the east coast and stuff. the verdict? it's a pretty good freakin' burger. I'm not sure what it is..maybe the fresh, never frozen meat...or all of the condiments that you can load on (at no additional cost)..or maybe it's the way that they wrap it in tin foil - (reminds me of being at a cookout or something). I thinkiIt is the meat itself that makes them good - just good tasting meat - you dont really need to add a lot of stuff on it other than the standard lettuce, tomato, onion - ketchup optional. I'm actually not a big fan of their fries - to salty for my taste - and pretty expensive! -although they do give you a lot. The drinks are overpriced too. I do like the fact that they have peanuts all over the place - sure would suck to have a peanut allergy in that're almost assured a swift death... Overall, i'd say it's worth the trip to downtown naperville and battle it out to find parking. I am rather partial to our local Portillos burger over this one, i believe - but they're 2 different things. Portillos is cooked over a flame..and this place cooks them on a big hot metal slab/oven. I would take portillos fries over theirs any day I should also mention that i've been to Cali and had their highly hyped in and out burger...before I knew it was such a big deal..and the results...i dont really remember..that must mean that it wansn't anything special. I'll have to try it again when i go out there later on this year.

  • John S.

    While I thought the burger was very good and lots of cheese on it I thought it was pricey for a fast food burger and wasn't all I expected. Maybe I went in expecting more or maybe they are trying to attract elephants with all the peanuts they have in the place. If you don't want a burger you don't really have any other choices so you better like burgers and fries if you come here. Would get more stars for sure if the prices weren't so high and they had more items on the menu. Burgers are pretty good though and I'm sure I will be back.

  • Mike M.

    Five Guys is a pretty good burger. My favorite burger the Naperville was the Red Door Tavern but that place is long gone. That being said I used to run a burger review site so I know what I'm talking about. Five Guys is a good griddle burger. When you order a burger it is a double. A "little Burger" is a single. You can get your burger with pretty much any topping you want, but I like A1, mayo, and grilled onions. The burger was juicy and big. The meat is a little crispy cooked almost to well done. But with the fresh bun and high fat content, the burger was moist and delicious. The kid got a cheese sandwich and I didn't get a bite of that because he ate the whole thing. After this burger you need a nap. The fries are very good. They are fresh cut, and fried in peanut oil. Fried almost to well done they are crispy and flavorful. Loaded up with salt you can dip in ketchup or the provided malt vinegar. This is very good. If you have peanut allergies I would stay away because there are free peanuts to scoop while you are waiting and eating your food. The place is big with fill your own drinks and very clean. I would definitely say that this place blows Meatheads out of the water. A little expensive ($23 for 2 adults and kid) but a good burger while downtown Naperville. Between the fries, peanuts, and burger you are going to be mighty thirsty so make sure you hydrate when you leave.

  • Petras B.

    I was really excited to try five guys, as all the east coasters rave about it as "the burger place." (Maybe an east coast equivalent of In N Out?) I gotta say, I was disappointed. Maybe it was overhyped. Got a bacon burger with cheese, which is two patties. Fries and a drink and the total was over $11. Seriously? Ok, this better be good. The burger was authentic. Good, homemade style. I'd say equivalent to most pub burgers that cost the same or less. I got the fries cajun style, thinking I'd like it because I like cajun fries. These were swimming in cajun dust. Pretty gross. I couldn't even eat more than a handful. Major letdown there. The free peanuts in shell were a nice touch. Overall, I'll probably skip this joint in favor of a burger from Portillo's, Culvers, any bar, or one of the many hot dog joints around my house. Cheaper and just as good. They must be burger starved on the east coast if this is their burger god. I pity you guys.

  • Joshua M.

    A new contender in top chain burgerdom has revealed itself to me. And now the rankings are as follows: 1. In-N-Out 2. Five Guys 3. Fat Burger Granted not everyone in the midwest may have experienced my number one or number three rankings, but hey that's incentive to travel right? After ordering and receiving my food I was asking myself why I was consuming a half a pound of beef when I could have ordered their "little" size burger. I guess it's that stigma of ordering anything with the word "little" attached to it. They should have the little sizes as their regular, and label the double cheeseburgers "ultra fat ass." Then the stigma would be reversed and people wouldn't feel guilty for eating less. I suppose that Five Guys is in it to sell more meat, but at some point we need to chill out on our crap intake. Advice: order the little size and share an order of fries. Anyhow for not being able to give input to how the burger was cooked, I was pretty impressed by the taste. Fries were also very good, I think that's what gave it the edge for me over Fat Burger, but as good as the fries were they can't touch In-N-Out. Bonus points for having sweet tea.

  • Jeanie P.

    Yes a regular cheeseburger is a double! oops...shoulda read the yelp reviews before coming. Anyway it was totally delicious, and the flavor of the meat really stood out. The "five guy fries" are just regular fries cooked in their 100% peanut oil... but we tried the cajun version which were tasty. And yes, the regular size order of fries is huge. Anyway, the oil in this place makes for a greasy feeling after eating.. so maybe it's better to get it to go.. and clearly you should not come here if you have a peanut allergy...

  • Santiago A.

    First off, this place gets 5-stars for treating me to one of the tastiest burgers I have eaten. It was really, really good. Mmm! MMM! I will be back and very soon. If you like great burgers come here. That's all you need to know... the rest of this review is just filler. Walking in this place looks almost like a cafeteria with tall tables. Large sacks of peanuts line the path around the sitting area and lead up to the register. Peanuts are free so feel free to bring Stampy (gratuitous Simpsons reference). Their regular cheeseburgers are doubles. Get it. Don't go with the half cheeseburger and figure that with fries and a drink you'll be full. Sure, you will be, because the regular fries are enough for two people, but you'll be sorry you don't have more delicious burger after you inhale it in two seconds. I can't say it enough, this is a great burger. Mmm, I wish I would have ordered one to go. Also, the fries a pretty good. They are cooked in peanut oil, so you don't have to feel completely guilty when you polish off an order. Although, I guess whatever is gained by the cooking method is easily lost when consuming such a large quantity. I would have to say that this place can get a slightly pricey, but it's not as bad as a few burger places I've been to in the city. So, that, coupled with a far superior burger, makes this place a no brainer. Go, get one for you and one for a friend - it'll make their day. Even better, get one for you and one for an imaginary friend... and keep all the deliciousness for yourself.

  • Jeff F.

    As far as burgers go, nothing less than 5 stars would be acceptable from anyone reviewing this place. Right up there with a Portillo's burger . . . yeah, I said it. Too add to that, they have free peanuts you can scoop out of the many boxes lining the store. Toppings are free as well. If you are looking for a salad, go some place else. But like I said, can't beat the burger.

  • lynn s.

    This is the second time I have eaten at this restaurant and we LOVE the burgers. They are freshly made to order (so you may have a short wait) and are just huge and tasty. Fries are hand cut and a taste treat as well. A small order of fries can feed 2-3 people. Plenty of tables and the place is kept very clean. Love the Coke dispenser that can make custom drink flavors. I agree that they are pricey, it could be very costly for a family of four, but the overall quality of ingredients are very good. Also I would like to eat on a paper plate rather than just out of the paper bag for eat-in, but other than that a great (and nonhealthy) burger. Since there is not one in our area, 5 Guys is a special treat.

  • M K.

    $23 bucks for two hamburgers and a hot dog (and pretty nasty ones at that!). Ridiculous. The girl who rung us up...I think she is allergic to smiling...she should NOT be in customer service. This being my first time here, I asked a question or two...she was less than pleased and not afraid to show it. Just based on her alone, I would not return...unless of course, she was no longer there. The pop machines are pretty cool, being able to add flavored syrups to your run of the mill Sprite or Coke. We tried both the cherry and strawberry sprite...cherry winning out hands down. The hamburgers came with two patties a piece, which would be great if I had asked for two patties...I felt like I was wasting a whole lot of food. The bacon was so disgusting, I had to spit it was chewy and flavorless...the $5 hot dog I got for my 2 year old was the only thing that was halfway decent. The fries (which apparently everyone raves about) tasted like they were cooked twice and then left to sit for an hour...and we were given FAR too many. I mean, the fries filled half the bag when dumped out of the cup they were served in. Once again, wasting a whole lot of food. Would I return? Not a chance Would I recommend to a friend? Not unless I was really mad at them for something!

  • Fozzy B.

    I think it's very average, Not bad, not memorable. Variety of add-ins is pretty lengthy, but the taste is so-so. Jalapenos are not cooked, rather raw and bright green (just not my thing). Food is pretty greasy, but decent. I'd come here if I'm in the area and want a fresh burger. That's it. Disclaimer: I am a devout fan of In-N-Out on the Left Coast, so I'm biased to say the least. Five Guys is just not in it's league. Ask anyone who's had both.

  • Leesa N.

    My first Five Guys visit! The shop was clean and not very crowded despite it being lunchtime. The music is too loud to have a table conversation and i feel it is also part of the reason our order was incorrect.The burgers were fresh and hot. The fries have skin and are thick cut. Great touch screen soda machine. With no customers ahead of us or behind us we placed an order for 3 burgers, fries and sodas. The wait for the meal seemed too long even for the burgers being made to order. I stood at the counter watching the staff work. Part of the delay was waiting for fries. Another delay was 3 people cooking but only one wrapping burgers, getting the fries and bagging everything and then calling the numbers. When we got our order one of the burgers was right according to the receipt but not what we asked for. After the longish wait we did not return to the counter to exchange the burger. My guest picked off the ingredients she could not eat. Unfortunate, especially since this was one of the 2 burgers that were to be the same. I didn't check the receipt when I paid. If I had, I would have caught the mistake. The cashier was not friendly and neither was the staff calling numbers. We liked the fountain soda machine flavors and the optional syrup varieties. I especially appreciated Coke Zero being available. The burgers and fries were fresh,hot and very good. I look forward to visiting another location. However, since this location is in an area I frequent I will likely give it another try.

  • che c.

    Came here on a Saturday night right before a 10 pm show at the Comedy Shrine, they're both in the same strip. I was a little worried because it was 15 minutes til close and nobody else was ordering food. I didn't wanna be a bogus customer, but I was hungry!!! To my surprise, the person who took my order didn't rush me! He was very helpful, I've never been there or knew of their menu. He answered all my questions and really made me feel like I made a solid choice. I got a little burger and some fries. A little burger is one patty and a burger is a double patty. The burger was awesome, but the fries were very salty, you can tell they were fresh cut though. Oh I will be back, next time I want a hot dog, supposedly they fry them flat on the griddle. I've never heard of the place, but they definitely made an impression. Simple menu, burgers, hot dogs, fries, and a good value. Oh, they offer free peanuts while you wait for your order.

  • Dan K.

    Ah finally this franchise is here within reach. It was a burger joint with malt vinegar fries? Yes please, and free peanuts everywhere. A bit expensive though.

  • C B.

    They have really good burgers, but they are quite expensive. A burger, fries and soft drink can easily cost over $10! All burgers are cooked to order, so that does mean you wait; this isn't fast food. The interior looks crappy, it reminds me of a White Castle, with the bonus of potato bags lying everywhere. I give it 3 stars because of the price, I would like to give it a higher rating because the burgers are tasty, but it's really expensive.

  • s l.

    I went back to Five Guys to try it for a second time after an interval of several months (it takes me a while to work up the mentality to spend over $10 for a burger and fries). Big mistake. The place was deserted--not a real surprise. The burger was even tinier than I remembered (about the size of a McDonald's double cheeseburger) and lukewarm. The toppings were incredibly stingy (a sprinkling of onions and the most thinly-sliced tomato I've ever seen), especially given the exorbitant price. The fries were O.K., but not worth going out of my way for them. My yardstick of comparison is with Steak 'N Shake. While Steak 'N Shake has gone way, way downhill from what they used to be, it's still a good burger, always with generous toppings. At Steak 'N Shake a double cheeseburger and fries is around $4. Granted, Five Guys is a bit better--but not two-and-a-half times better! Five Guys is extremely overpriced--and just not worth the money, especially in a bad economy. The least Five Guys can do for the price they charge is to give you some decent toppings! I got the burger down and said to myself, "I'm not coming back here."

  • Christina C.

    Average burgers. Good fries. Good place to go after a drunken night in DT Naperville.

  • Bob G.

    Holy crap just paid $12 for a cheeseburger fries and medium fountain drink. Its a good greasy burger served with hearty french fries, but its still fast food. Not worth $12. Could only survive in a place like Naperville, where there are enough pretentious people willing to pay $12 a fast food meal.

  • Gerry H.

    I don't understand all the hype. I found the ambience formulaic and dull, and the "background" music was so loud that it became the focus of the entire experience. The help looked a little shady, and the burger was average. I've had better burgers at Portillos, Fat Burger, Meat Heads and, at it's apex (which has long since passed) Red Robin. The fries are more hype than substance, and you'll pay premium prices for your stuffs.

  • Max C.

    While waiting in line I read poster on the wall saying, "The Best $5 Burger a Man Can Eat". But once you add fries and a drink your order quickly increases to $11+. This is a bit pricey for a no frills burger joint. However, you do get a lot of fries, free refills and a decent tasting burger. I have gone a few times, I just don't make a habit of it.

  • Ben B.

    The food is good, but I dont see the fuss. The total at the register is generally twice what it should be, its just burger, fries and hot dogs. The genius move on their part is being open when the bars close

  • Qball F.

    well, i have been to 5 guys 3 times this week. i am hooked. a perfectly greasy burger and great fries to cure a hang over. good people watching while waiting is a good perk too. if they were only open late for those of us who dabble in the drinky poo, i would give it 6 stars.

  • Frank P.

    This place is amazing... Not only is the food great but the atmosphere is awesome. The restaurant is very clean and well taken care of, the crew working had a lot of energy and made dining here fun. The manager Ken Beltran was very friendly and greeted his patrons which was a plus. Five Guys in Naperville is a must!

  • Marie W.

    Love Five Guys in Naperville but the music is awful and so loud we could not hear our number. We noticed other patrons ( all over 40) frowning at the loud music that we could not identify. I guess the staff likes this but it is simply terrible. Good food! Awful music!

  • Taylor H.

    Awesome burger, but they screwed up my fries. Fries were over cooked and they shorted me on fries. Been to one in dc, this franchise in naperville sucks.

  • Mona F.

    Five guys does not deserve five stars. I am a burger lover and compare all burgers to the mom's n pop's burger joint from my home town. You walk in five guys and there are all these reviews posted on the wall about how theyre the "best $5 burger" etc etc. The burger did not taste bad by any means but it just wasnt worth it and because they dont have any meals (everything you buy separately so just a burger, fries and coke is ~$11); its a bit pricey for what it is. Bottom line is that I've had better and most likely will not return. There were so many people there on a late saturday night, all coming from the nearby bars, but also maybe because they didnt have anywhere else to eat.

  • Margie K.

    I've been to Five Guys a few times and just am not getting the hype. I've found the burgers to have very little flavor and seasoning. Overall, the cost is high compared to other Chicago area choices like Portillo's that have comparable cost but better tasting burgers.

  • Janet C.

    Five guys is okay doesnt have a lot of flavor can't beat in in-out burgers I do have admit there fries r awesome

  • Yert M.

    Not as Baldwin as some peeps would have you believe but the Cajun fries are pretty chill.

  • Matt B.

    I went downtown Naperville specifically to check this place out, I've heard very good things about Five Guys. I was impressed with the overall set-up of the place. The place is big with a lot of tables and a couple outside, the food is cooked in front of the customer and everything is very clean. They have free peanuts while you wait for you order number to be called and they have a pretty big selection of fountain drinks. The burgers are pretty big, and they are very good. I was a little worried that they would be dry because they only cook them medium well, but the burger was still juicy and had a nice beefy flavor to it. They have about 16 toppings which are all included in the price of the burger. To be fair though, some of the toppings they include on the list are ketchup and mustard etc, but they also have mushrooms and grilled onions. Their fries are really good too, they are fresh cut and you can get either regular or cajun, both are very good. The regular is more than enough for anyone, unless you are splitting them. They come in a cup, but then they dump about double that amount into your bag with the burger. My only complaint is that the price is a little high. Like someone else said, the price for a regular cheeseburger, fries and a drink was $11. I would definitely go back again, the food is very good, I just wish it were a little cheaper. I also hope that they get busier, we were there at dinner time and there were only about 4 other groups in the place.

  • John C.

    Best burgers in the area by farrrrr!!! The restaurant near woodfield mall on meacham rd is a lil better but they're great at both spots!

  • Jim N.

    First time at Five Guys but heard some hype and glad to report it's a pretty solid place for Burgers. I also like the fries, it's home cut, a little on the crisper side (I prefer the soggy kind a la Gene and Jude). Price is about what you expect for a place that specializes in Burgers, yes it's a bit higher but worth it when compared to other burger joints. As far as franchises go, definitely better than the Fatburger (in Orland anyways sorry Mr. West) but not quite in the league of In n Out (please! come to Chicago).

  • calvin y.

    this marks the end of my diet. i don't have to make a special drive to oak park to get my 5 guy fix's down the street from me. this is bad, very bad. this place has the best fast food burgers and fries. naperville's cholesterol just went up 20 points!

  • Jon M.

    One of the best burger joints in town. was surprised that their normal burger had two patties. Not a fan of the french fries, though they do make up for it with the free peanuts, hence the only 4 star rating.

  • Mike B.

    Lived up to the hype in our view. Really tasty burgers and free peanuts to boot. You can customize the toppings on your burger at no extra cost, and they have all sorts of neat stuff to choose from like hot peppers, hot sauce, and A-1. They're very well reviewed by regular folks and food critics alike. I can see why! The fries are tasty too, if a *little* bit underwhelming in light of the aforementioned hype. We'll be back!

  • Matt W.

    So the thing about Five guys, is that when you order a burger, they actually give you two patties instead of one. You can also customize your burger with like 9+ different toppings / condiments. Its a big burger! Written across the walls, they make a point to say that all the burgers are fresh and never frozen. They have stacks of potatoes lined up on the ground to show that all the homestyle fries are fresh cut. Overall, i wasn't a big fan of the homestyle salty fries. They were a little too soft for my liking. The burger was deliciously chedda goodness though. My girlfriend and I got two cheeseburgers, one large drink and large regular fry which amounted to about 20 bucks. its definitely not a cheap eat. I still believe In and Out has these guys beat, but since there is none in Illinois, I will make it a point to stop at Five guys every time im in the Naperville area. This places closes at 10 Pm, and since its surrounded by bars, i would expect them to be open much later.

  • Leocris L.

    though the burgers are phenomenal, i don't know if they are 5 star worthy in my book. i guess i might be stingy with that last star. however, this does rank among probably the top 3 or 4 burgers i've had. they're made just right; nice and juicy. the fries are ok- imo. they are supposed to be special, but they were just normal to me. i'd like to go back soon, too bad it's a trip from me. oh, and did someone say you're not supposed to throw peanut shells on the ground? wtf is up with that?

  • Julie C.

    Tried the first "Five Guys" located in Chicago on Clyborn. Couldn't get over how the cashier was so friendly at this location. Perfect-tasting burger and the fries were awesome. Took my son to the Naperville location (we live in Naperville) and found the same high-quality food but the cashier behaved as if she'd rather be undergoing a root canal then be at work. Went for the 3rd time (I better be hitting the gym soon) with my husband. Different cashier but same Eyeore-like attitude (is Five Guys doing this on purpose). Food was wonderful (again) but this time, the bun wanted to stay off, then melt away from the burger!!! What happened?!! Would still recommend and go back (but not for a while)!!!

  • Heather V.

    Portillos is better. Go to the grocery store, buy a bag of potatoes, two pounds of hamburger all the trimmings for the price of one burger and fries at this place and it will taste exactly the same (and you feed about 4-8 people for the same cost). Nothing special and disturbingly overpriced.

  • Vanessa M.

    Just recently visited Five Guys and the experience was pretty good. I love a good PLAIN burger and this one was ok. Unfortunately something turned me off with the cajun fries, didn't like them (the hubby wanted the cajun ones). But what I was impressed with the most was the free peanuts! I LOVED the peanuts, hehe... The place was nice and clean, it was quiet and after we came in you would have sworn we brought in the crowd because all of a sudden it was packed! Great location, nice and simple menu which is nice because other places you can spend hours and hours trying to choose what you want from the menu... Overall good experience!

  • Tom S.

    Bacon cheeseburgers are supposed to have bacon on them. The cheese must have just come out of the freezer because it wasn't anywhere near melted. Wasn't cheap either.

  • Ashley L.

    I love this place. Go if you can!

  • Cecille A.

    I decided to stop in here for a bite on a week night when I was strolling through downtown Naperville with my daughter and granddaughter. I did hear a lot of hype about this place, so was kinda excited to try their burgers. If I could give 1/2 stars, I'd probably give this place 3 1/2 stars instead. Maybe it's cuz I'm not a huge fan of burgers and fries unless I'm looking for a quick bite to eat . I was hungry that night and didn't want to wait at a sit-down restaurant for food. Anyway, the burger was good - I actually had only a junior size cheeseburger with grilled onions, tomatoes, ketchup, and it was filling - maybe cuz there were two beef patties in it, which was cool. I did enjoy the fries here - thought they were really good, even without ketchup!

  • Kranitz L.

    I and my family were out in Naperville for some Christmas shopping, and I persuaded everyone to try out Five guys, since my friend from New York had given it such rave reviews. Well I went in, ordered a bacon cheeseburger with everything (maxed out, to the max?) along with jalapenos and onions added on. Well, when I got my order, along with the rest of my family, they had given me a bacon cheeseburger with only relish and jalapenos. Another in my family had gotten the wrong burger as well, so I went back up, pointed out the mistake, and they made us new burgers. Well when I went to sit down yet again, I was greeted with...a bacon cheeseburger with only relish and jalapenos. Frustrated and disappointed, I left. The gentleman manning the register, along with the kitchen staff, seemed to have a poor understanding of English, so I'm not sure if this was a communication problem, but getting an order wrong twice in a row, is simply unacceptable. If I ever try Five guys again, I certainly won't ever be going to their Chicago Ave, Naperville location.

  • Tim K.

    Like many new places, this place is way over-hyped. They are not as good as In-N-Out but certainly better than Meatheads. My burger had a strong beef taste. I think that means they are using grass fed (less expensive) beef as opposed to corn fed beef. I ordered mine with A-1 sauce. There were only two bites where I could detect any A-1. There might have been as much as 1/2 teaspoon of sauce on my burger. My wife commented that it would be nice if they toasted the bun (llike In-N-Out) because her's was soggy. The fries did taste freshly cut but they were soggy and greasy. Red Robin still has the best fries in this area.

  • Bill M.

    Ordered online at 8pm and was thrilled they said it would be ready by 8:08pm. Walked in at 8:10 (couldn't skip the line like they preach) and promptly waiting for my 2 burgers. People came and went getting their burgers, but I stood and waited as 8 workers stood around the stainless steel table in the middle of the kitchen laughing and talking. After standing there for 15 minutes ( no one even cared enough to ask me what I was waiting for) I asked them what the wait was. All 8 workers looked at each other as if I had just asked for a shit sandwich and then started making my food - they forgot. I walked out of the place at 8:31pm. Got home to the Cajun fries that were 2 bucks more for some lame seasoning. Needless to say, this was my first and last time stepping foot into a five guys. The burger was average at best - in and out is much much better. Great first impression - it might just be the location, but beware!

  • Hillary S.

    Love the burgers and fries. Decent price for what you get.

  • Justin G.

    With all the best of awards hanging on the way I was expecting something better than what I could get out of a package and make at home. In fact Jewel Pup burgers are way better than what they offer here. Also the fries although fresh are nothing special. I wouldn't spend my money here again.

  • Nancy N.

    O.M.G! this place is great and i'm a huge burger and fries junkie. yes it was a tiny bit pricey but i think it's well worth it for a juicy, melt in your mouth hamburger. and geez do they have so many toppings to choose from and a touch screen soda machine with dozens of flavors. and so much fries, you can easily share a regular sized fries with two people. and you get free peanuts lol. this place is definitely worth a try and then you will be hooked. i honestly think these burgers are better than Portillo's (gasp!) try this place!

  • Bill S.

    Burgers are good, but not much better than a lot of places....and when you consider the premium price you pay, you may get as good a burger for less money elsewhere.

  • Vany A.

    It's kind of crazy to me that my boyfriend and I had driven past this establishment numerous times, but never really noticed it was a burger joint. A co-worker of mine recommended it to me, so I decided to skip out on lunch and try it for dinner. I can say with all honesty that I was not disappointed one bit. It is a very no-frills establishment, which in my opinion, is a good thing. I hate pretentious places which make you feel like you are at a black tie affair when it's really just a regular ol' burger joint. Everything is made-to-order and fresh. No freezers in this place. They hand make the burgers from scratch, and cut the fries from potatoes straight out of the bag. The service was quick, and you can't beat the free peanuts and refills. One tip though, the portions are huge. A "regular" burger contains two meat patties, so if you aren't completely famished or have a hearty appetite, I suggest you go with the "little" burger (same burger, with a single patty instead of a double Don't let the name fool you.) Your burger is customizable with free toppings, which include mayo, relish, onions, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard, jalapeño peppers, green peppers, A.1. steak sauce, bar-b-q sauce, and hot sauce. Also, they are VERY generous with their french fry portions. My bf and I shared a large fry, and it was hard for us to finish it since there were so many. Didn't get to try the Cajun fries, but that will definitely be on my list for the next time I have another burger craving. Overall it's a great alternative to the drive-through and you won't be disappointed with the taste of the food. A must-try, at least once.

  • Andy G.

    So far this is my favorite fast food burger, but it just doesn't make the cut in comparison to a gourmet restaurant burger such as Kuma's Korner or Tilted Kilt. The burgers are very juicy, generously sized, and have great flavor. Prices are reasonable. They have a good choice of free toppings, but menu options are limited.

  • Gerald S.

    Just ok nothing great I lived in California for 7 years and " In N Out " blows them away! sorry guys but I think you should hop a flight and try them out then go back to the drawing board. After all the hub bub I tried it and it was good but honestly I think Culver's is just as good or better with kick but custard to boot! Save your money and for all of you who think it is the best burger ever go take a trip to Cali and try "In N Out". If you like 5 guys they will blow your mind. I guess if you have never had better it makes them seem like more then they are. It was a big let down after them being compared to my favorite.

  • Jon G.

    I went here recently for the second or third time. The burgers get a 10 out of 10 from me. 10 being this burger will put the biggest smile on your face. They are cooked to order and very juicy. And the toppings, look out! Green Peppers as an option? BOOOOOOOOM! I suggest all of you kooky people try this topping on your burger. It will really set it off. Some of the other toppings are amazing as well. Mushrooms, grilled onions, that is what i am talking about. And all the toppings are free. The sauce toppings are also great. Ok kids, let us talk about the fries here. They are made with the skin on, nuff said! They are not too crispy, which is ok. For all of you people who only like crispy fries, get over it! These fries rule. And the regular order of fries is a kooky, huge amount! When you see grease from the fries soaked through the bag, you know you are in for a wonderful fry eating experience. This place fixes my wagon! And then some!

  • Mary K.

    What a disappointment. After all the ggreat stuff I have read on here and the comments people have made about how wonderful Fives Guys is I was disappointed. I thought it was just o.k. nothing like the reviews I have read. I'm going to save my money next time.

  • Amy D.

    I don't understand all the fanfare with this place: the food is absolutely average in taste, incredibly greasy, and way overpriced. For 2 burgers, 2 fries, and 2 drinks, we paid $27. I would much rather a Sonic Drive-in burger. While the food wasn't bad, I probably wouldn't dine here again.

  • Pat E.

    It was good. Free peanuts, too. The burger I got was ok. I thought I was being healthy without any bun, but still got two patties. Oops.

  • Jen L.

    I love Five Guys! Their burgers are always fresh, juicy, and delicious! Certainly not cheap, but well worth it.

  • Justin G.

    This chain needs to pack it's ass up and go back to the east coast. Yeah, the burgers are good, but why is anyone paying this kind of price? I've gotten burgers twice as good for a couple dollars more with a side and a drink. I've gotten burgers almost as good for half the price. Seriously, $6 for nothing but a grease ridden cheeseburger that's not even all that filling? And you fools paying the price of this crap are just encouraging inflation in the midwest to New York prices. But maybe they put something in the peanuts that's got you addicted. i didn't have any.

  • shaun M.

    The burgers are good, the fries are mediocre. The inside is very dull and I didn't feel comfortable chilling there while I ate my burger. And seriously... 11$ for a burger/fries/drink? I can go to Connie's and get the pizza buffet for 11 dollars after tipping. Will not be going back here.

  • David O.

    Came into Five Guys on a rainy morning about an hour after they opened. I immediately noticed how clean and bright the restaurant was. I was greeted immediately and helped through the order process by very friendly staff. The burgers take 7-10 minutes, but they tell you that right away. The food was absolutely worth the wait. Burger was very juicy, perfect and tasty bun with crisp pickles and juicy tomato. Great experience, thanks Five Guys crew!

  • Karen F.

    The Pros: The seasoned fries are FABULOUS and they always give you a TON. A regular is plenty to feed 3 people. The fries are salty, potato-y in the middle, and has a wonderful crisp on the outside. 5 Guy's fries are serious contenders. The burger is also juicy, and well cooked. For a normal burger they give you 2 patties, and small is one patty. I will get one patty and it fills me up plenty! The Cons: The burger kind of looks like Wendy's... same exact packaging as well. At other burger places there are so many unique toppings to choose from and wrapped in a nice little box. Also, 5 Guys makes me feel a little greasy when I walk in... like I should be getting it after a night of drinking. Fries, burger, and a drink will put you to shy of $15. WHAT. Overall, it is a solid place. I just don't think that this place comes to mind when I want a good burger.

  • Samantha B.

    Too expensive for burgers and I don't like the fact that you have to specify that you want a single patty. They automatically assume you want a double. Fries are bland and if you get the cajun for some flavor they are always over-seasoned. Just can't win. How many guys does it take to make a good burger joint?? Obviously more than five.

  • David Z.

    The Burgers are very fresh and tasty! I enjoy the fresh potato's that are what makes the fries so good! Now my question I am looking to confirm that Five Guys at this address is closing? do we know when it going to happen? The Naperville Sun posted a story today that Naf Naf Grill is opening up in this space?

  • Melanie B.

    After getting 4 shots in her tiny thighs, my 4 yr old asked for her favorite "protein" as she called it. Burgers. Not just any burger, but specifically a dripping juicy burger from Five Guys. With her Snoopy band-aids in place and the tears streaming down her face, I couldn't possibly refuse. I'm on a strict diet but didn't skip a beat to respond with "Yes, we can go to Five Guys." I don't eat fast food much, but Five Guys in on the list of places I'll occasionally agree to go to. My only rule is that it cannot be a weekend night. --When that business strip is filled to the brink with untamed letterman jackets, loud girls and plenty of acne. But early evening on a Wed, I can do. The place was nearly empty. I even managed to get one of the parking spots behind the building that are so easily forgotten. I won't drone on about what you'll find here. It's burgers and fries. Doubles or Singles, Large fries or Regular Fries. The fries are fresh. Cut from potatoes, not dumped out of a bag that was delivered on a semi. We had 6 of us there and we didn't finish 2 large fries. Although they don't use this wording, they put the "super" in "super size"! My kids would be all too happy to have one of those soda machines installed in our house. They give new meaning to "mixed drinks". While, I usually wouldn't eat this, I settled on the fact that you can order a burger wrapped in lettuce instead of in a bun. You can also get it in a bowl and eat it with a fork. I went for the wrap. I still wouldn't call it "healthy", but I was satisfied to order a burger (no cheese) wrapped in lettuce and loaded with everything, minus mayo and ketchup. It was as health friendly as I was going to get at a burger joint. And it tasted great. I was missing nothing by omitting the bun! I did break down and eat 6 French fries. With ketchup. Some things just can't be helped.

  • Carrie S.

    This is a solid burger place and you can't hate the plethora of complimentary items - peanuts, burger toppings, peanut containers... I guess that is it. The burgers are big (double patty is standard, greasy (which is good), and made fresh to order. The fries could always use an additional minute in the fryer, but that's okay - they gave you a shload of them so quit complaining. The one thing I really don't like is the interior. Stark white with lots of stupidly obscure quotes and accolades about the chain. Oh I didn't know the Cleveland Independent Times said the burgers here are great! That shit sounds made up and I don't really care. When did I become such a grizzled jerk?

  • Jon A.

    The meal was great as always, but they really need to change their name if they're going to have four girls and a guy run the place

  • Tim C.

    The kids and I stumbled upon this place by accident...and we will return on purpose! We each got a burger, mine with ALL of the 15 toppings. To die for! And a large frie to split? We could have shared that bag of fries with the whole place. Wow!

  • Auriel G.

    Tha best Cheese Burgers & Fries in Naperville!

  • Michael C.

    I love Five Guys Burgers.....this location was clean and the staff was very helpful in advising me on what to order. This place has passed up Portillos as my favorite burger place. Burgers are made like they should be greasy and full of meat.

  • Steve G.

    I'm on the fence here. This is still a pretty good burger and the fries are good, too. But I think I'm getting jaded on the large amounts of grease that soak through the fry bag, and the near tasteless burger that is saved by the toppings -- and hurt by a fall apart bun. My gut was rebelling against the grease for a couple days later, so this may have been my last visit. Not sure if that's 5G's fault or my aging tummy... Oh, and the peanuts were soft.

  • Kimbo S.

    interior is okay, lots of red and white, the service itself was somewhat fast, however the burger itself is very greasy and just average, however they give you tons of fries that are very good, almost a little too much salt however, overall pretty good

  • Jen K.

    Can someone please tell me what is up with this place? Not just this location, but Five Guys in general. Did these guys sell their souls to the devil to turn a profit? To make girls run screaming for the place? I get the pay a certain price for a burger, and you get pretty much anything you want on it. That's pretty sweet. But I guess I'd like it better if the burger was really good. It's just ok. Maybe I'm being a burger snob here, but I just don't get the hype!! I'd rather pay more money somewhere else, pay for the individual toppings that I want, and get something that is truly satisfying. I think their cajun fries are way, WAY too over-seasoned. I keep ordering them hoping for something different, but they turn out the same every time. But, I'm not going to knock this location. The people here are always very friendly and quick to get you your food. They also put up with drunk late night people really well. So I'll give the place 3 stars, since they have polite, patient staff.

  • Andy M.

    I usually despise chain restaurants and everything they represent. Maybe it's a death wish that leads me to places with calorie laden food that literally clogs your arteries on the spot. Sorry folks, I can't help it. Five Guys makes one delicious burger. What set's Five Guys apart from the other Evil Empire Burger joints? It's the ingredients. The Burger and toppings all taste freshly made. The meat they use is mouth watering. Five Guys is not cheap. My wife and I spent close to $25.00 for our Burgers, fries and drinks. But we walked away sated, happy and ready for a long nap. I can't ask for anything more. Here's the bottom line. Five guys is a guilty pleasure of mine. If I ate here more than once a year, I would surely die of a grabber. But if you're in the mood to blow off your diet and live a little, this is a good place to do it. We all have to treat ourselves once in a while.

  • Doc W.

    The best burger joint around, they can do it so many ways.

  • Tricia D.

    Five Guys is an exciting upgrade from whatever used to be in this location. It's surprisingly spacious inside, and there's outdoor seating too. It was noted that 70% of the customers walk in and proceed to the wrong side of the line (by 'pick up', the sign means pick up, and not order here). I was more impressed with my burger and fries when I hit the Five Guys at the Dulles airport, but fresh patties and fresh cut fries should not go underappreciated. Can't beat additional toppings at no cost. The fries could have been crisper and more seasoned, but nothing that stopped me from shoveling them into my mouth. My brother noted that if there were to be a Venn diagram of consumers at the Naperville Running Store and the crowd at Five Guys, I would be in the middle. So either I really like my greasy ass fries and burgers and am an enthused runner, or... I'm a well-fed, fast-food-pounding eater who likes to shop with lean, hardcore athletes for running gear.

  • Matthew W.

    Heaven on a bun! Only thing close to In-n-Out in the Midwest...... Stopped in on a Sunday night and there was no line (first time ever????). Enjoyed passing the time for the food while eating some peanuts in the shell that are easy to scoop up (for free). However, it may be best to pass on those if you order the fries because they are SALTY......but the burger is PERFECT. My daughter got the little one, and I got the "regular". There is nothing regualar about it.....two patties and perfectly melted cheese = PERFECTION. 1 LCB (small one) 4.59 1 Fry 2.99 1 CB (regular) 6.29 1 Reg Drink 2.19 Total = $17.63

  • Chris M.

    I asked for a cup for water, and was told they don't give water cups. I told them that was absurd, they told me, and I quote "F*** off and put your head under the dispenser if you want water". I won't be coming back.

  • Shane O.

    It's hard for me to give 5 guys anything but 5 stars. This place just seems to fit me and my family really well. Everyone we've encountered at this restaurant has been really nice and we like the music they play as well. Everything seems fresh and it's all made to order. I love that. I highly recommend 5 guys wherever you're at.

  • Andrew T.

    Great sandwiches here. My personal favorite is the bacon cheese dog. Good place for a quality, no frills burger, dog, or sandwich. They also have a long list of toppings you can add for free, SCORE. I hear the fries are the major seller but I cannot try them due to my peanut allergy. The servings are huge, so I would recommend splitting one order with friends. Another thing I noticed is that this place is RIDICULOUSLY clean. When I mean RIDICULOUSLY clean, it almost gives off a sterilized aura. They also sell Coca-Cola products, so knock yourself out if that is your thing. Good work Five Dudes.

  • Matt G.

    Seriously delicious burgers and fries! Don't come in this place if you've got a peanut allergy though- there are peanuts everywhere, available as kind of a self-serve snack. The burger here is seriously delicious. I don't eat many burgers, but when I do, I want them to taste like a Five Guys burger. The standard is the double patty, I believe they're about a 1/4 pound each, so the regular is 1/2 lb before cooking. There's also a "small" burger at 1/4 lb, so the calories will be packed on here regardless. They only have American cheese (gross!) so I opt for the standard lettuce, tomato, pickles, and grilled jalapenos. They have your standard condiments including mayo, mustard, and ketchup, but they take it a step further with BBQ sauce, hot sauce, and a few others. The fries are insanely good here, too. We had a large order for my kids and I, and there was probably a pound and a half of spuds in the order. Seriously! Crazy huge portions~ and utterly delicious! If you're a vegetarian I did see they have a veggie burger, but when I'm here I'm all about the beef. This place has simple food served in an old-school type atmosphere. For the quality and the price it can't be beat. If you're jonesing for a great burger when in d'town Naperville, look no further than Five Guys.

  • Shannon M.

    Why didn't I get here sooner? These are great burgers (and supposedly Obama's favorite). The young man and I went for dinner last night. He'd been before, I hadn't. In the dark of night, the white tile of the restaurant gleamed out like a beacon. The menu is pretty stripped down: a couple of burger sizes and options, and then a bunch of toppings (all of which were free, a nice touch, unlike, say, Epic Burger in the city). It was nice to know (gratis my boyfriend) that the Little Hamburger is still plenty (one patty; the "Hamburger" is two patties), and the regular fry is quite big (they shovel an additional scoop of fries into your bag too). I went with the Little Bacon Burger with grilled onions, and split a regular fry with him. The burger was damn tasty: meat not too greasy, and the bacon and onions had a nice sweetness to them. As to the fries, it was actually discernible that they had come from a potato, not only because of the bits of skin on the ends but also because of the fluffy insides that hinted at their true origins (unlike fast food fries and so many others). Decor here is pretty streamlined: again that white tile, some red checkerboard trim, and lots of magazine clippings and quotes on the walls from newspapers around the country proclaiming them the best at what they do. I was a little annoyed by the ego aspect; it was like everywhere you turned, "Look how great we are! No seriously, we mean it!! EVERYONE says so!" Also, the music was cranked up just this side of too loud (as if they were trying to excite people, but since it was like 8 pm on a week night, the diners mostly looked fatigued in the overly-bright light), and the tunes consisted (quoth my boyfriend) of "all the '80s songs you'd never heard." Definitely of the era, but almost nothing recognizable. I don't really get what people are complaining about regarding price. Yes, a meal here is a bit more costly than fast food, but the burgers also taste a lot better. And it's cheaper than the burgers at, say, Bar Louie in the same strip. Priorities, I guess. At any rate, definitely a worthy entry in the burger pantheon. 5 Guys would be 5 stars if not for the atmosphere (I guess next time I can get it to go!)

  • Joe E.

    I had heard a ton of good things about Five Guys from numerous sources. Stumbled upon this location at halftime of a North Central football game. You come here for the Burgers and Fries. I only got a burger, but I had a ton of free peanuts as well. Their regular burgers are 2 patties, so if you don't have the appetite, get the little burger. They also give a huge amount of fries even in the small size. Come hungry, you'll get your fill. Don't intend on eating healthy here.

  • Pascal M.

    I'm curious to see what will happen to the slew of Burger chains that has sprouted these past few years. I mean, what took so long for this country and entrepreneurs to realize they could compete directly with the fast food chains by providing better quality burgers? How long will these business continue to succeed? Out of them all, Five Guy's clearly stands at the top. Could have something to do with the promo Obama gave them a while back. Or that they rapidly expanded, but be careful 5 dude's. Remember what happened to Crispy Cream? I like the environment, it's friendly and fast paced. You get your food pretty quickly. The burgers are pretty good. However, I consider myself a burger connoisseur. So this could certainly be a 4-5 star burger for the average burgerholic. I like the mass of toppings you can choose from. They all taste great together, but it does get pretty sloppy. Their fries are good, but I despise the amount they give you. It's almost a school lunch bag full of em'. I usually end up throwing away almost 3/4 of the bag. If you go with people, I strongly urge you to share with your group. Five Guys is a solid burger chain that is a nice switch from fast food.

  • Brandy W.

    Being a Californian for 26 years (I'm 26), I can say that they're good... but mind you, this entire post is coming from a vegetarian. Ha. Yes, vegetarian and burger joint... hear me out... This joint reminds me of a knock-off "In n' Out" burger found mainly on the west coast. It's toned down, no messing around, burgers and fries with your choice of additions. Pros: 1. Free peanuts while you wait. 2. Chill, but good. 3. No extra cash for all the fixings. You choose what you want on your burger, free of charge. 4. The fries (while not the best), they give you a boat-load! We only ever order one regular (they don't have small and if you go large, you're crazy). Careful on the cajun style. I LOVE spicy and it's just too much. Not too spicy, but too flavorish to the point that I scrape it off in a hint to craving normalcy. 5. Coke products! 6. Outdoor seating. Cons: 1. No vegetarian burger... but they will let you get a grilled cheese with all the fixins (minus the moo moo) or a "veggie" which is grilled onion and mushrooms for like $2.89. That's cheap, folks! Consider a vegetarian sandwich at quiznos or potbelly... and they're around the $5-$6 range. So, I'd say a pro and a con. 2. Fries not the most exciting because they're fried in peanut oil, not veggie or canola. Not that I don't like the oil, it's just not the best on fries. They don't have the super crispy texture you want if you're going to indulge. 3. Cheese is processed. I guess I'm spoiled with deli sliced cheese, but I just much prefer it to the kraft (wrapped in plastic peelie).

  • LoudMouth M.

    Best burgers you will ever get at a chain next to In-N-Out (the now ever on-going battle to the burger connoisseur.) I don't even care to talk about the service which was GOOD! The place was clean. I got my food in under 10 minutes with roughly 10-15 people ahead of me. I've been here a lot. Never an issue. Now I am hungry for one.

  • Candice G.

    Mmm... my new guilty pleasure. This week is looking like it's going to be a very tasty one. After I took my Dad out for Dad's Day he was telling me about this place he'd read about and heard about from my mother when she had gone for lunch. I guess GQ awarded the chain "the best $5 burger a man can eat" ... so as a vegetarian, I was pretty pumped for the place to have nothing for me. We walk in and the place is plastered with articles that have been written in various newspapers and magazines regarding their burgers, fries, and dogs. The decor is all checkered and the ordering line is seperated with a dividing wall made of potato filled sacks and peanut oil jugs. I step up to the menu thinking I'll likely leave with fries (which is fine, since it's one of my fave food groups) but to my surprise, they offer a veggie sandwich and a cheese sandwich... I'm in! I got the veggie sandwich with cheese and jalepenos (no extra charge for toppings- score!) I think the mushrooms come standard and they just cake it in cheese... Arby's beef and cheddar style :::drooling::: I told myself I would have one bite just to try it and then save the rest for work tomorrow... it turns out I lied to myself because I gobbled that thing right up. It was unholy how many calories that veggie sandwich must have had but it was totally worth it. I now cannot wait to have a hangover because this will be my new cure. My Dad got the burger and said it was defo a good burger. For the fries, they're good fresh... a lot more salt than other places and I totally dig that- Wendy's should take a page out of 5 Guys playbook and start putting some damn salt on their fries. I tried going back for more leftover fries a little after I got home and they'd defo lost their award winningness but I choked 'em down ;). I like my fries soft and soggy and theirs wasn't a good ratio of soggies to crispies in my batch so that's where the 1 star loses out but I know I'll be back and possibly giving the ole upgrade to 5 sexy stars.

  • Kim M.

    First, if you or your kids have any sort of peanut allergy, don't go in the vicinity of this place. There are bags and bags of peanuts everywhere here. That being said, I am a cheeseburger fanatic, and I love this place. The price is higher than other places with a similar menu, but the burger was totally fresh and tasty. The fries, handcut - which I don't normally like because they are soggy when prepared like that, were EXCELLENT. Cooked perfectly. Not overly salty. Great drink selection. It was just quick, no BS, in and out. Menu is short and to the point. And my son, who normally will do anything to not have to eat a burger...completely wolfed his down. Then Monday, I saw they are building one right by my home, and I am excited. :)

  • Michelle N.

    I asked my son where would you like to go for dinner the day before your first 8th Grade highschool football game! He said- FIVE GUYS! I was like oh my but then I go with him and have the little burger, degreased it and had all the veggies on it (YUMMY). Then I had the cajun fry's, LOVE THEM. My 13 yr old had the burger, we shared the small fry and had TONS left. So I have to say it is the BEST burgers. The Two Brothers Tap house burger in Wheaton is still the VERY BEST to me and my little guy.

  • Howard L.

    I made it here for a Friday lunch with a colleague. It was a good 4 star burger. This store was huge and twice as big as the one I went to in Carson, CA. There was a pretty long line but it was handled efficiently. Seating is comfortable. The bun could have been fresher, but it was still a good double-pattied burger for $4.99, which is $0.50 more than the CA store. I had it this time with BBQ sauce (which was admittedly faint but OK for me), as I also had jalepenos, grilled onions, and mushrooms - and it was comparable to my CA visit. I'll be back again at burger craving time.

  • Caroline M.

    The fries are pretty good. The burgers are huge, and I've never finished one. Granted, the majority of the times I've been there, my stomach was a little full from a couple cranberry & vodka's from Feature's. It's a good place to go once the bars close. I'm not entirely sure what time it closes on the weekends, as it was always open at past 2 am on Saturday nights. 5 Guys sober was not as good, at all. It kind of seemed like a waste of my money.

  • Mike F.

    Now, I like a good burger... And I mean a GOOD burger. Not any of this burger with bean sprouts, and avocado health kick burger garbage that is all the rage... Five Guys delivers exactly what I want. Five Guys brings the meat... I love Five Guys... and I don't care who knows it. Once you walk in, you can see that it's a no frills all function burger joint. Hop in line, grab some nuts and take a look at the menu. You can get fries, you can get a burger, or you can get a hot dog. So take your time. Once you order (a burger, unless you're an idiot) and a small fry (a small fry can feed a small country in Africa) grab a Peak sweet tea, and pull up a stool. Pour a little Malt Vinegar over your fries and enjoy. It is the best burger you'll have, and the best fries you'll have. Ever. The only complaint I have, The parking, and the Down Town Naperville yuppie crowd. Overall, The best burger and fry place I've ever had.

  • Mike L.

    It's good....but it's no M**the@ds. I only wish I lived closer to the other place which forces me to go to Five Guys. Not a huge loss as Five Guys is good but just not the best. I do like the Hot Dog at Five Guys very much. Great location in Naperville. Big store with plenty of seating. I hate to say this but one thing I may not like is how big it is...almost too big. You can order a single for smaller appetites but that just isn't me. I do like that you can have them put A-1 steak sauce on the burger. Not too many places offer that. Will go back and do recommend but if I had the choice I'd go to the other place that they don't like us to speak of.

  • John D.

    I heard about this chain almost by accident. It was made famous when Phil Mickelson mentioned how he ate here and really liked it. So for laughs, I decided to do an engine search of this place & found this location. I made the journey here. The first thing I noticed was the menu- simple. In fact, it might seem too simple (burger, cheeseburger,w/ or w.out bacon, little versions of each, 3 types of hot dogs, veggie, cheese sandwich). Its simple possibly because of what you have a choice of topping are- all 16 possibilities. I, knowing I wasnt charged more, I picked grilled onions, pickle, tomato, grilled mushrooms, mustard, & easy mayo. What can I say about this place? Anyone remember Whimpy from the Popeye cartoon? If here were around, this would be one place he would frequent. More locations are being launched as we speak. It's a worthy treat to say the least. I'd say 4 1/2 of 5 stars. Burger Rating: Monsterous beast.

  • Christine E.

    With all the hype that has been surrounding Five Guys, I was expecting a lot more. When I lived in California In n Out was the place to go, and it tasted great with limited options. So when I heard that Five Guys was similar, I was so excited. The menu looks great - there are lot of options to customize your burger, you have a choice between cajun and regular fries, etc. However, I felt that my burger, even with the toppings, wasn't anything special. The fries were so-so as well, almost dry. After the first time there, I tried Five Guys a couple more times, just in case I went there on a bad day. But I felt the same each time - it's just OK. I guess they just aren't for me!

  • Giselle B.

    Fries were good and abundant. Burgers were too greasy.

  • Andrew T.

    So close to the first review! This place is good. Burgers are good, lots of free topping options, fries are great, and the fountain drink selection is a winner. So, first off, the "regular" burger is two patties. The "junior" is one, as Che has noted. I made the assumption that the regular was a normal sized burger, and the junior was a small sized burger. This is incorrect. The junior is a normal sized, or a hair smaller, burger, in the grand scheme of burgers. The regular is just, big. It's a lot. But the beef is tasty, well cooked...very good. I have to mention the fountain. They had not only Coke Zero on fountain (please tell me why this hasn't replaced all the disgusting Diet Coke dispensers in soda fountains) but caffeine free Diet Coke. Big points for rarities. Only thing is, I feel like it's kind of expensive. Portions are big, as I mentioned, but my "regular" cheeseburger, fries, and soda was north of $11. I could shave that by ordering the junior, and skipping fries (of which they gave me like, 6 pounds), but still a bit pricey, to me.

  • Jillian H.

    Good burger and fries. They give you an enormous amount of fries and the selection of soda is huge. I think for a quick service burger place it is overpriced. I would go more often if the portions were smaller and if it were a little less expensive.

  • Erik T.

    Being the burger lover that I am, I could not wait to try Five Guys. This place makes some pretty good burgers. Nice, greasy, cheesy, burgers. My wife and I split a cheeseburger with a large side of fries. Like I stated above, the burgers are good! Be warned though, a regular cheeseburger here is a double cheeseburger elsewhere, that is if you order a regular cheeseburger it will have TWO patties. Very good though!! The fries are also pretty great; a large is MORE than enough for two people. The fries that we had gotten came in a drink cup, like for a fountain drink, plus the whole bottom of our bag is covered with fries. So lots of fries!!! The flavor of them was also good: Crispy on the outside and fluffy potato on the inside. Overall a great burger joint. The next time we go I'll be sure to try some of the Cajun flavored fries. Oh, and free refills here on soda too!!

  • Sanford R.

    To be honest Five Guys is very expensive for a quick service burger restaurant. I will say that I love the food, but my trips are limited because of the price. If you want to get a good burger it is not a terrible choice, but I prefer Smashburger at the moment. This Five Guys location and most if not all of the other locations have those new soda machines, which look cool but are kind of annoying. My coke always tastes like a mixture of all of the different kinds of pop and I'm not a fan of that. It's a decent place overall though and it plays pretty good music while you eat.

  • Candice G.

    Mmm... my new guilty pleasure. This week is looking like it's going to be a very tasty one. After I took my Dad out for Dad's Day he was telling me about this place he'd read about and heard about from my mother when she had gone for lunch. I guess GQ awarded the chain "the best $5 burger a man can eat" ... so as a vegetarian, I was pretty pumped for the place to have nothing for me. We walk in and the place is plastered with articles that have been written in various newspapers and magazines regarding their burgers, fries, and dogs. The decor is all checkered and the ordering line is seperated with a dividing wall made of potato filled sacks and peanut oil jugs. I step up to the menu thinking I'll likely leave with fries (which is fine, since it's one of my fave food groups) but to my surprise, they offer a veggie sandwich and a cheese sandwich... I'm in! I got the veggie sandwich with cheese and jalepenos (no extra charge for toppings- score!) I think the mushrooms come standard and they just cake it in cheese... Arby's beef and cheddar style :::drooling::: I told myself I would have one bite just to try it and then save the rest for work tomorrow... it turns out I lied to myself because I gobbled that thing right up. It was unholy how many calories that veggie sandwich must have had but it was totally worth it. I now cannot wait to have a hangover because this will be my new cure. My Dad got the burger and said it was defo a good burger. For the fries, they're good fresh... a lot more salt than other places and I totally dig that- Wendy's should take a page out of 5 Guys playbook and start putting some damn salt on their fries. I tried going back for more leftover fries a little after I got home and they'd defo lost their award winningness but I choked 'em down ;). I like my fries soft and soggy and theirs wasn't a good ratio of soggies to crispies in my batch so that's where the 1 star loses out but I know I'll be back and possibly giving the ole upgrade to 5 sexy stars.

  • Kim M.

    First, if you or your kids have any sort of peanut allergy, don't go in the vicinity of this place. There are bags and bags of peanuts everywhere here. That being said, I am a cheeseburger fanatic, and I love this place. The price is higher than other places with a similar menu, but the burger was totally fresh and tasty. The fries, handcut - which I don't normally like because they are soggy when prepared like that, were EXCELLENT. Cooked perfectly. Not overly salty. Great drink selection. It was just quick, no BS, in and out. Menu is short and to the point. And my son, who normally will do anything to not have to eat a burger...completely wolfed his down. Then Monday, I saw they are building one right by my home, and I am excited. :)

  • Michelle N.

    I asked my son where would you like to go for dinner the day before your first 8th Grade highschool football game! He said- FIVE GUYS! I was like oh my but then I go with him and have the little burger, degreased it and had all the veggies on it (YUMMY). Then I had the cajun fry's, LOVE THEM. My 13 yr old had the burger, we shared the small fry and had TONS left. So I have to say it is the BEST burgers. The Two Brothers Tap house burger in Wheaton is still the VERY BEST to me and my little guy.

  • Mike F.

    Now, I like a good burger... And I mean a GOOD burger. Not any of this burger with bean sprouts, and avocado health kick burger garbage that is all the rage... Five Guys delivers exactly what I want. Five Guys brings the meat... I love Five Guys... and I don't care who knows it. Once you walk in, you can see that it's a no frills all function burger joint. Hop in line, grab some nuts and take a look at the menu. You can get fries, you can get a burger, or you can get a hot dog. So take your time. Once you order (a burger, unless you're an idiot) and a small fry (a small fry can feed a small country in Africa) grab a Peak sweet tea, and pull up a stool. Pour a little Malt Vinegar over your fries and enjoy. It is the best burger you'll have, and the best fries you'll have. Ever. The only complaint I have, The parking, and the Down Town Naperville yuppie crowd. Overall, The best burger and fry place I've ever had.

  • John D.

    I heard about this chain almost by accident. It was made famous when Phil Mickelson mentioned how he ate here and really liked it. So for laughs, I decided to do an engine search of this place & found this location. I made the journey here. The first thing I noticed was the menu- simple. In fact, it might seem too simple (burger, cheeseburger,w/ or w.out bacon, little versions of each, 3 types of hot dogs, veggie, cheese sandwich). Its simple possibly because of what you have a choice of topping are- all 16 possibilities. I, knowing I wasnt charged more, I picked grilled onions, pickle, tomato, grilled mushrooms, mustard, & easy mayo. What can I say about this place? Anyone remember Whimpy from the Popeye cartoon? If here were around, this would be one place he would frequent. More locations are being launched as we speak. It's a worthy treat to say the least. I'd say 4 1/2 of 5 stars. Burger Rating: Monsterous beast.

  • Christine E.

    With all the hype that has been surrounding Five Guys, I was expecting a lot more. When I lived in California In n Out was the place to go, and it tasted great with limited options. So when I heard that Five Guys was similar, I was so excited. The menu looks great - there are lot of options to customize your burger, you have a choice between cajun and regular fries, etc. However, I felt that my burger, even with the toppings, wasn't anything special. The fries were so-so as well, almost dry. After the first time there, I tried Five Guys a couple more times, just in case I went there on a bad day. But I felt the same each time - it's just OK. I guess they just aren't for me!

  • Sanford R.

    To be honest Five Guys is very expensive for a quick service burger restaurant. I will say that I love the food, but my trips are limited because of the price. If you want to get a good burger it is not a terrible choice, but I prefer Smashburger at the moment. This Five Guys location and most if not all of the other locations have those new soda machines, which look cool but are kind of annoying. My coke always tastes like a mixture of all of the different kinds of pop and I'm not a fan of that. It's a decent place overall though and it plays pretty good music while you eat.

  • Pat E.

    It was good. Free peanuts, too. The burger I got was ok. I thought I was being healthy without any bun, but still got two patties. Oops.

  • Andrew T.

    So close to the first review! This place is good. Burgers are good, lots of free topping options, fries are great, and the fountain drink selection is a winner. So, first off, the "regular" burger is two patties. The "junior" is one, as Che has noted. I made the assumption that the regular was a normal sized burger, and the junior was a small sized burger. This is incorrect. The junior is a normal sized, or a hair smaller, burger, in the grand scheme of burgers. The regular is just, big. It's a lot. But the beef is tasty, well cooked...very good. I have to mention the fountain. They had not only Coke Zero on fountain (please tell me why this hasn't replaced all the disgusting Diet Coke dispensers in soda fountains) but caffeine free Diet Coke. Big points for rarities. Only thing is, I feel like it's kind of expensive. Portions are big, as I mentioned, but my "regular" cheeseburger, fries, and soda was north of $11. I could shave that by ordering the junior, and skipping fries (of which they gave me like, 6 pounds), but still a bit pricey, to me.

  • Giselle B.

    Fries were good and abundant. Burgers were too greasy.

  • Mike L.

    It's good....but it's no M**the@ds. I only wish I lived closer to the other place which forces me to go to Five Guys. Not a huge loss as Five Guys is good but just not the best. I do like the Hot Dog at Five Guys very much. Great location in Naperville. Big store with plenty of seating. I hate to say this but one thing I may not like is how big it is...almost too big. You can order a single for smaller appetites but that just isn't me. I do like that you can have them put A-1 steak sauce on the burger. Not too many places offer that. Will go back and do recommend but if I had the choice I'd go to the other place that they don't like us to speak of.

  • Jillian H.

    Good burger and fries. They give you an enormous amount of fries and the selection of soda is huge. I think for a quick service burger place it is overpriced. I would go more often if the portions were smaller and if it were a little less expensive.

  • Erik T.

    Being the burger lover that I am, I could not wait to try Five Guys. This place makes some pretty good burgers. Nice, greasy, cheesy, burgers. My wife and I split a cheeseburger with a large side of fries. Like I stated above, the burgers are good! Be warned though, a regular cheeseburger here is a double cheeseburger elsewhere, that is if you order a regular cheeseburger it will have TWO patties. Very good though!! The fries are also pretty great; a large is MORE than enough for two people. The fries that we had gotten came in a drink cup, like for a fountain drink, plus the whole bottom of our bag is covered with fries. So lots of fries!!! The flavor of them was also good: Crispy on the outside and fluffy potato on the inside. Overall a great burger joint. The next time we go I'll be sure to try some of the Cajun flavored fries. Oh, and free refills here on soda too!!

  • yoku s.

    I really wish there's a 3.5 on the rating scale, because that's what I'd give this place. My husband & I decided to try their infamous burgers, because I loved their insistence and focus on quality ingredients & cleanliness, instead of spending money on advertising & decor. The boardwalk-style fries are good. I thought it had just enough salt, with crisp exterior, soft potato-intense flavor. It's good by itself, but dipped in vinegar & ketchup was tasty too. In the Inc. magazine article, it said they soak their fries in water, so when they pre-fry them, steam is forced out of the fries. This creates a seal so when they fry them a again, the fries won't absorb the oil, making them less greasy. The regular burger w/ double patties is too much for me...overpowers the condiments/bread. (I didn't know the "little" versions would be single patty). I love stuffing my burger with a bunch of veggies, so the free toppings are great. But I'm also used to medium rare burgers, making these well-done patties slightly dry & less juicy. I also wish the bread is grilled & left crisp. Instead, the bread is mashed down by hand (w/ finger imprint), so it becomes a thinner layer on the burger. Lastly, I didn't notice anyone wiping down tables / sweeping on the dining floor. As a result, crumbs, receipts, etc. were all over the tables & floors. Guess this location won't plan on winning the $1000 reward from corp. It also doesn't help that the cashier wasn't too friendly.

  • B. D.

    Probably one of the BEST burgers I've had (aside from the angus burgers my grill-master room mate makes). Fresh, wonderful, great toppings, and outstanding fries. Decent price for a very good burger when you'd pay just a few bucks less for a fast-food joint burger elsewhere. This place truly hit the spot. One thing you gotta know is -- this burger is messy... but that's how a *real* burger is supposed to be -- not these pristine burgers you see from fast-food restaurants where all the pickles are uniform and no condiments are peeking out from under the bun. LOL

  • Jeffrey R.

    Whats not to like? The overly loud music blaring while eating..and they even pipe it to the out door seating - so there is no escaping it. The burgers are top notch and they basically give you double the fries you order. In not a huge fan of the fries, they are just ok. They also have pretty good hot dogs as an option. And as others thats a big + in my book!

  • Dave B.

    Having heard about this place for so long I was glad to finally see one open in Naperville. The burger was great - almost makes me forget about living 1500 miles from an In n Out. However, I didn't really care for the fries too much. Really plain atmosphere inside. The free peanuts are nice, but for a fast food place, the rest is very pricey. The burger itself is what saved it from a two star rating.

  • Cristina G.

    If you have peanut allergies this place would be like hell for you. There are sacks of peanuts and peanuts everywhere! It's a good thing I don't have allergies because this place is awesome! The burgers are a little pricey but it's worth the money. The burgers are so tasty and you can put whatever you want on it. The fries are so good, def top 10 in my opinion. I always order the smallest size burger and fries and when I get my order it seems like I ordered the big size, they give you a lot of food. Another great thing is that it's open late so I can come here after hitting the local bars.It's located right down the street from the yoga studio I go to, so I like to come here and stuff my face after a nice 90 min workout, don't judge me. This place has great burgers and great service and great fries. Love it!

  • Tony D.

    Let me first say that I came in this place with very high expectations when it first opened. In fact, they hype grew as I was waiting in the rather long line because they had various new articles on the wall that were crowning them the best burger on the east coast and stuff. the verdict? it's a pretty good freakin' burger. I'm not sure what it is..maybe the fresh, never frozen meat...or all of the condiments that you can load on (at no additional cost)..or maybe it's the way that they wrap it in tin foil - (reminds me of being at a cookout or something). I thinkiIt is the meat itself that makes them good - just good tasting meat - you dont really need to add a lot of stuff on it other than the standard lettuce, tomato, onion - ketchup optional. I'm actually not a big fan of their fries - to salty for my taste - and pretty expensive! -although they do give you a lot. The drinks are overpriced too. I do like the fact that they have peanuts all over the place - sure would suck to have a peanut allergy in that're almost assured a swift death... Overall, i'd say it's worth the trip to downtown naperville and battle it out to find parking. I am rather partial to our local Portillos burger over this one, i believe - but they're 2 different things. Portillos is cooked over a flame..and this place cooks them on a big hot metal slab/oven. I would take portillos fries over theirs any day I should also mention that i've been to Cali and had their highly hyped in and out burger...before I knew it was such a big deal..and the results...i dont really remember..that must mean that it wansn't anything special. I'll have to try it again when i go out there later on this year.

  • shaun M.

    The burgers are good, the fries are mediocre. The inside is very dull and I didn't feel comfortable chilling there while I ate my burger. And seriously... 11$ for a burger/fries/drink? I can go to Connie's and get the pizza buffet for 11 dollars after tipping. Will not be going back here.

  • John S.

    While I thought the burger was very good and lots of cheese on it I thought it was pricey for a fast food burger and wasn't all I expected. Maybe I went in expecting more or maybe they are trying to attract elephants with all the peanuts they have in the place. If you don't want a burger you don't really have any other choices so you better like burgers and fries if you come here. Would get more stars for sure if the prices weren't so high and they had more items on the menu. Burgers are pretty good though and I'm sure I will be back.

  • Mike M.

    Five Guys is a pretty good burger. My favorite burger the Naperville was the Red Door Tavern but that place is long gone. That being said I used to run a burger review site so I know what I'm talking about. Five Guys is a good griddle burger. When you order a burger it is a double. A "little Burger" is a single. You can get your burger with pretty much any topping you want, but I like A1, mayo, and grilled onions. The burger was juicy and big. The meat is a little crispy cooked almost to well done. But with the fresh bun and high fat content, the burger was moist and delicious. The kid got a cheese sandwich and I didn't get a bite of that because he ate the whole thing. After this burger you need a nap. The fries are very good. They are fresh cut, and fried in peanut oil. Fried almost to well done they are crispy and flavorful. Loaded up with salt you can dip in ketchup or the provided malt vinegar. This is very good. If you have peanut allergies I would stay away because there are free peanuts to scoop while you are waiting and eating your food. The place is big with fill your own drinks and very clean. I would definitely say that this place blows Meatheads out of the water. A little expensive ($23 for 2 adults and kid) but a good burger while downtown Naperville. Between the fries, peanuts, and burger you are going to be mighty thirsty so make sure you hydrate when you leave.

  • Petras B.

    I was really excited to try five guys, as all the east coasters rave about it as "the burger place." (Maybe an east coast equivalent of In N Out?) I gotta say, I was disappointed. Maybe it was overhyped. Got a bacon burger with cheese, which is two patties. Fries and a drink and the total was over $11. Seriously? Ok, this better be good. The burger was authentic. Good, homemade style. I'd say equivalent to most pub burgers that cost the same or less. I got the fries cajun style, thinking I'd like it because I like cajun fries. These were swimming in cajun dust. Pretty gross. I couldn't even eat more than a handful. Major letdown there. The free peanuts in shell were a nice touch. Overall, I'll probably skip this joint in favor of a burger from Portillo's, Culvers, any bar, or one of the many hot dog joints around my house. Cheaper and just as good. They must be burger starved on the east coast if this is their burger god. I pity you guys.

  • Joshua M.

    A new contender in top chain burgerdom has revealed itself to me. And now the rankings are as follows: 1. In-N-Out 2. Five Guys 3. Fat Burger Granted not everyone in the midwest may have experienced my number one or number three rankings, but hey that's incentive to travel right? After ordering and receiving my food I was asking myself why I was consuming a half a pound of beef when I could have ordered their "little" size burger. I guess it's that stigma of ordering anything with the word "little" attached to it. They should have the little sizes as their regular, and label the double cheeseburgers "ultra fat ass." Then the stigma would be reversed and people wouldn't feel guilty for eating less. I suppose that Five Guys is in it to sell more meat, but at some point we need to chill out on our crap intake. Advice: order the little size and share an order of fries. Anyhow for not being able to give input to how the burger was cooked, I was pretty impressed by the taste. Fries were also very good, I think that's what gave it the edge for me over Fat Burger, but as good as the fries were they can't touch In-N-Out. Bonus points for having sweet tea.

  • Santiago A.

    First off, this place gets 5-stars for treating me to one of the tastiest burgers I have eaten. It was really, really good. Mmm! MMM! I will be back and very soon. If you like great burgers come here. That's all you need to know... the rest of this review is just filler. Walking in this place looks almost like a cafeteria with tall tables. Large sacks of peanuts line the path around the sitting area and lead up to the register. Peanuts are free so feel free to bring Stampy (gratuitous Simpsons reference). Their regular cheeseburgers are doubles. Get it. Don't go with the half cheeseburger and figure that with fries and a drink you'll be full. Sure, you will be, because the regular fries are enough for two people, but you'll be sorry you don't have more delicious burger after you inhale it in two seconds. I can't say it enough, this is a great burger. Mmm, I wish I would have ordered one to go. Also, the fries a pretty good. They are cooked in peanut oil, so you don't have to feel completely guilty when you polish off an order. Although, I guess whatever is gained by the cooking method is easily lost when consuming such a large quantity. I would have to say that this place can get a slightly pricey, but it's not as bad as a few burger places I've been to in the city. So, that, coupled with a far superior burger, makes this place a no brainer. Go, get one for you and one for a friend - it'll make their day. Even better, get one for you and one for an imaginary friend... and keep all the deliciousness for yourself.

  • Jeff F.

    As far as burgers go, nothing less than 5 stars would be acceptable from anyone reviewing this place. Right up there with a Portillo's burger . . . yeah, I said it. Too add to that, they have free peanuts you can scoop out of the many boxes lining the store. Toppings are free as well. If you are looking for a salad, go some place else. But like I said, can't beat the burger.

  • lynn s.

    This is the second time I have eaten at this restaurant and we LOVE the burgers. They are freshly made to order (so you may have a short wait) and are just huge and tasty. Fries are hand cut and a taste treat as well. A small order of fries can feed 2-3 people. Plenty of tables and the place is kept very clean. Love the Coke dispenser that can make custom drink flavors. I agree that they are pricey, it could be very costly for a family of four, but the overall quality of ingredients are very good. Also I would like to eat on a paper plate rather than just out of the paper bag for eat-in, but other than that a great (and nonhealthy) burger. Since there is not one in our area, 5 Guys is a special treat.

  • Gerry H.

    I don't understand all the hype. I found the ambience formulaic and dull, and the "background" music was so loud that it became the focus of the entire experience. The help looked a little shady, and the burger was average. I've had better burgers at Portillos, Fat Burger, Meat Heads and, at it's apex (which has long since passed) Red Robin. The fries are more hype than substance, and you'll pay premium prices for your stuffs.

  • M K.

    $23 bucks for two hamburgers and a hot dog (and pretty nasty ones at that!). Ridiculous. The girl who rung us up...I think she is allergic to smiling...she should NOT be in customer service. This being my first time here, I asked a question or two...she was less than pleased and not afraid to show it. Just based on her alone, I would not return...unless of course, she was no longer there. The pop machines are pretty cool, being able to add flavored syrups to your run of the mill Sprite or Coke. We tried both the cherry and strawberry sprite...cherry winning out hands down. The hamburgers came with two patties a piece, which would be great if I had asked for two patties...I felt like I was wasting a whole lot of food. The bacon was so disgusting, I had to spit it was chewy and flavorless...the $5 hot dog I got for my 2 year old was the only thing that was halfway decent. The fries (which apparently everyone raves about) tasted like they were cooked twice and then left to sit for an hour...and we were given FAR too many. I mean, the fries filled half the bag when dumped out of the cup they were served in. Once again, wasting a whole lot of food. Would I return? Not a chance Would I recommend to a friend? Not unless I was really mad at them for something!

  • Fozzy B.

    I think it's very average, Not bad, not memorable. Variety of add-ins is pretty lengthy, but the taste is so-so. Jalapenos are not cooked, rather raw and bright green (just not my thing). Food is pretty greasy, but decent. I'd come here if I'm in the area and want a fresh burger. That's it. Disclaimer: I am a devout fan of In-N-Out on the Left Coast, so I'm biased to say the least. Five Guys is just not in it's league. Ask anyone who's had both.

  • Leesa N.

    My first Five Guys visit! The shop was clean and not very crowded despite it being lunchtime. The music is too loud to have a table conversation and i feel it is also part of the reason our order was incorrect.The burgers were fresh and hot. The fries have skin and are thick cut. Great touch screen soda machine. With no customers ahead of us or behind us we placed an order for 3 burgers, fries and sodas. The wait for the meal seemed too long even for the burgers being made to order. I stood at the counter watching the staff work. Part of the delay was waiting for fries. Another delay was 3 people cooking but only one wrapping burgers, getting the fries and bagging everything and then calling the numbers. When we got our order one of the burgers was right according to the receipt but not what we asked for. After the longish wait we did not return to the counter to exchange the burger. My guest picked off the ingredients she could not eat. Unfortunate, especially since this was one of the 2 burgers that were to be the same. I didn't check the receipt when I paid. If I had, I would have caught the mistake. The cashier was not friendly and neither was the staff calling numbers. We liked the fountain soda machine flavors and the optional syrup varieties. I especially appreciated Coke Zero being available. The burgers and fries were fresh,hot and very good. I look forward to visiting another location. However, since this location is in an area I frequent I will likely give it another try.

  • che c.

    Came here on a Saturday night right before a 10 pm show at the Comedy Shrine, they're both in the same strip. I was a little worried because it was 15 minutes til close and nobody else was ordering food. I didn't wanna be a bogus customer, but I was hungry!!! To my surprise, the person who took my order didn't rush me! He was very helpful, I've never been there or knew of their menu. He answered all my questions and really made me feel like I made a solid choice. I got a little burger and some fries. A little burger is one patty and a burger is a double patty. The burger was awesome, but the fries were very salty, you can tell they were fresh cut though. Oh I will be back, next time I want a hot dog, supposedly they fry them flat on the griddle. I've never heard of the place, but they definitely made an impression. Simple menu, burgers, hot dogs, fries, and a good value. Oh, they offer free peanuts while you wait for your order.

  • Dan K.

    Ah finally this franchise is here within reach. It was a burger joint with malt vinegar fries? Yes please, and free peanuts everywhere. A bit expensive though.

  • C B.

    They have really good burgers, but they are quite expensive. A burger, fries and soft drink can easily cost over $10! All burgers are cooked to order, so that does mean you wait; this isn't fast food. The interior looks crappy, it reminds me of a White Castle, with the bonus of potato bags lying everywhere. I give it 3 stars because of the price, I would like to give it a higher rating because the burgers are tasty, but it's really expensive.

  • Christina C.

    Average burgers. Good fries. Good place to go after a drunken night in DT Naperville.

  • s l.

    I went back to Five Guys to try it for a second time after an interval of several months (it takes me a while to work up the mentality to spend over $10 for a burger and fries). Big mistake. The place was deserted--not a real surprise. The burger was even tinier than I remembered (about the size of a McDonald's double cheeseburger) and lukewarm. The toppings were incredibly stingy (a sprinkling of onions and the most thinly-sliced tomato I've ever seen), especially given the exorbitant price. The fries were O.K., but not worth going out of my way for them. My yardstick of comparison is with Steak 'N Shake. While Steak 'N Shake has gone way, way downhill from what they used to be, it's still a good burger, always with generous toppings. At Steak 'N Shake a double cheeseburger and fries is around $4. Granted, Five Guys is a bit better--but not two-and-a-half times better! Five Guys is extremely overpriced--and just not worth the money, especially in a bad economy. The least Five Guys can do for the price they charge is to give you some decent toppings! I got the burger down and said to myself, "I'm not coming back here."

  • Bob G.

    Holy crap just paid $12 for a cheeseburger fries and medium fountain drink. Its a good greasy burger served with hearty french fries, but its still fast food. Not worth $12. Could only survive in a place like Naperville, where there are enough pretentious people willing to pay $12 a fast food meal.

  • Max C.

    While waiting in line I read poster on the wall saying, "The Best $5 Burger a Man Can Eat". But once you add fries and a drink your order quickly increases to $11+. This is a bit pricey for a no frills burger joint. However, you do get a lot of fries, free refills and a decent tasting burger. I have gone a few times, I just don't make a habit of it.

  • Ben B.

    The food is good, but I dont see the fuss. The total at the register is generally twice what it should be, its just burger, fries and hot dogs. The genius move on their part is being open when the bars close

  • Qball F.

    well, i have been to 5 guys 3 times this week. i am hooked. a perfectly greasy burger and great fries to cure a hang over. good people watching while waiting is a good perk too. if they were only open late for those of us who dabble in the drinky poo, i would give it 6 stars.

  • Frank P.

    This place is amazing... Not only is the food great but the atmosphere is awesome. The restaurant is very clean and well taken care of, the crew working had a lot of energy and made dining here fun. The manager Ken Beltran was very friendly and greeted his patrons which was a plus. Five Guys in Naperville is a must!

  • Marie W.

    Love Five Guys in Naperville but the music is awful and so loud we could not hear our number. We noticed other patrons ( all over 40) frowning at the loud music that we could not identify. I guess the staff likes this but it is simply terrible. Good food! Awful music!

  • Taylor H.

    Awesome burger, but they screwed up my fries. Fries were over cooked and they shorted me on fries. Been to one in dc, this franchise in naperville sucks.

  • Mona F.

    Five guys does not deserve five stars. I am a burger lover and compare all burgers to the mom's n pop's burger joint from my home town. You walk in five guys and there are all these reviews posted on the wall about how theyre the "best $5 burger" etc etc. The burger did not taste bad by any means but it just wasnt worth it and because they dont have any meals (everything you buy separately so just a burger, fries and coke is ~$11); its a bit pricey for what it is. Bottom line is that I've had better and most likely will not return. There were so many people there on a late saturday night, all coming from the nearby bars, but also maybe because they didnt have anywhere else to eat.

  • Margie K.

    I've been to Five Guys a few times and just am not getting the hype. I've found the burgers to have very little flavor and seasoning. Overall, the cost is high compared to other Chicago area choices like Portillo's that have comparable cost but better tasting burgers.

  • Janet C.

    Five guys is okay doesnt have a lot of flavor can't beat in in-out burgers I do have admit there fries r awesome

  • Yert M.

    Not as Baldwin as some peeps would have you believe but the Cajun fries are pretty chill.

  • Matt B.

    I went downtown Naperville specifically to check this place out, I've heard very good things about Five Guys. I was impressed with the overall set-up of the place. The place is big with a lot of tables and a couple outside, the food is cooked in front of the customer and everything is very clean. They have free peanuts while you wait for you order number to be called and they have a pretty big selection of fountain drinks. The burgers are pretty big, and they are very good. I was a little worried that they would be dry because they only cook them medium well, but the burger was still juicy and had a nice beefy flavor to it. They have about 16 toppings which are all included in the price of the burger. To be fair though, some of the toppings they include on the list are ketchup and mustard etc, but they also have mushrooms and grilled onions. Their fries are really good too, they are fresh cut and you can get either regular or cajun, both are very good. The regular is more than enough for anyone, unless you are splitting them. They come in a cup, but then they dump about double that amount into your bag with the burger. My only complaint is that the price is a little high. Like someone else said, the price for a regular cheeseburger, fries and a drink was $11. I would definitely go back again, the food is very good, I just wish it were a little cheaper. I also hope that they get busier, we were there at dinner time and there were only about 4 other groups in the place.

  • John C.

    Best burgers in the area by farrrrr!!! The restaurant near woodfield mall on meacham rd is a lil better but they're great at both spots!

  • Jim N.

    First time at Five Guys but heard some hype and glad to report it's a pretty solid place for Burgers. I also like the fries, it's home cut, a little on the crisper side (I prefer the soggy kind a la Gene and Jude). Price is about what you expect for a place that specializes in Burgers, yes it's a bit higher but worth it when compared to other burger joints. As far as franchises go, definitely better than the Fatburger (in Orland anyways sorry Mr. West) but not quite in the league of In n Out (please! come to Chicago).

  • calvin y.

    this marks the end of my diet. i don't have to make a special drive to oak park to get my 5 guy fix's down the street from me. this is bad, very bad. this place has the best fast food burgers and fries. naperville's cholesterol just went up 20 points!

  • Jon M.

    One of the best burger joints in town. was surprised that their normal burger had two patties. Not a fan of the french fries, though they do make up for it with the free peanuts, hence the only 4 star rating.

  • Mike B.

    Lived up to the hype in our view. Really tasty burgers and free peanuts to boot. You can customize the toppings on your burger at no extra cost, and they have all sorts of neat stuff to choose from like hot peppers, hot sauce, and A-1. They're very well reviewed by regular folks and food critics alike. I can see why! The fries are tasty too, if a *little* bit underwhelming in light of the aforementioned hype. We'll be back!

  • Matt W.

    So the thing about Five guys, is that when you order a burger, they actually give you two patties instead of one. You can also customize your burger with like 9+ different toppings / condiments. Its a big burger! Written across the walls, they make a point to say that all the burgers are fresh and never frozen. They have stacks of potatoes lined up on the ground to show that all the homestyle fries are fresh cut. Overall, i wasn't a big fan of the homestyle salty fries. They were a little too soft for my liking. The burger was deliciously chedda goodness though. My girlfriend and I got two cheeseburgers, one large drink and large regular fry which amounted to about 20 bucks. its definitely not a cheap eat. I still believe In and Out has these guys beat, but since there is none in Illinois, I will make it a point to stop at Five guys every time im in the Naperville area. This places closes at 10 Pm, and since its surrounded by bars, i would expect them to be open much later.

  • Leocris L.

    though the burgers are phenomenal, i don't know if they are 5 star worthy in my book. i guess i might be stingy with that last star. however, this does rank among probably the top 3 or 4 burgers i've had. they're made just right; nice and juicy. the fries are ok- imo. they are supposed to be special, but they were just normal to me. i'd like to go back soon, too bad it's a trip from me. oh, and did someone say you're not supposed to throw peanut shells on the ground? wtf is up with that?

  • Julie C.

    Tried the first "Five Guys" located in Chicago on Clyborn. Couldn't get over how the cashier was so friendly at this location. Perfect-tasting burger and the fries were awesome. Took my son to the Naperville location (we live in Naperville) and found the same high-quality food but the cashier behaved as if she'd rather be undergoing a root canal then be at work. Went for the 3rd time (I better be hitting the gym soon) with my husband. Different cashier but same Eyeore-like attitude (is Five Guys doing this on purpose). Food was wonderful (again) but this time, the bun wanted to stay off, then melt away from the burger!!! What happened?!! Would still recommend and go back (but not for a while)!!!

  • Heather V.

    Portillos is better. Go to the grocery store, buy a bag of potatoes, two pounds of hamburger all the trimmings for the price of one burger and fries at this place and it will taste exactly the same (and you feed about 4-8 people for the same cost). Nothing special and disturbingly overpriced.

  • Vanessa M.

    Just recently visited Five Guys and the experience was pretty good. I love a good PLAIN burger and this one was ok. Unfortunately something turned me off with the cajun fries, didn't like them (the hubby wanted the cajun ones). But what I was impressed with the most was the free peanuts! I LOVED the peanuts, hehe... The place was nice and clean, it was quiet and after we came in you would have sworn we brought in the crowd because all of a sudden it was packed! Great location, nice and simple menu which is nice because other places you can spend hours and hours trying to choose what you want from the menu... Overall good experience!

  • Tom S.

    Bacon cheeseburgers are supposed to have bacon on them. The cheese must have just come out of the freezer because it wasn't anywhere near melted. Wasn't cheap either.

  • Ashley L.

    I love this place. Go if you can!

  • Cecille A.

    I decided to stop in here for a bite on a week night when I was strolling through downtown Naperville with my daughter and granddaughter. I did hear a lot of hype about this place, so was kinda excited to try their burgers. If I could give 1/2 stars, I'd probably give this place 3 1/2 stars instead. Maybe it's cuz I'm not a huge fan of burgers and fries unless I'm looking for a quick bite to eat . I was hungry that night and didn't want to wait at a sit-down restaurant for food. Anyway, the burger was good - I actually had only a junior size cheeseburger with grilled onions, tomatoes, ketchup, and it was filling - maybe cuz there were two beef patties in it, which was cool. I did enjoy the fries here - thought they were really good, even without ketchup!

  • Kranitz L.

    I and my family were out in Naperville for some Christmas shopping, and I persuaded everyone to try out Five guys, since my friend from New York had given it such rave reviews. Well I went in, ordered a bacon cheeseburger with everything (maxed out, to the max?) along with jalapenos and onions added on. Well, when I got my order, along with the rest of my family, they had given me a bacon cheeseburger with only relish and jalapenos. Another in my family had gotten the wrong burger as well, so I went back up, pointed out the mistake, and they made us new burgers. Well when I went to sit down yet again, I was greeted with...a bacon cheeseburger with only relish and jalapenos. Frustrated and disappointed, I left. The gentleman manning the register, along with the kitchen staff, seemed to have a poor understanding of English, so I'm not sure if this was a communication problem, but getting an order wrong twice in a row, is simply unacceptable. If I ever try Five guys again, I certainly won't ever be going to their Chicago Ave, Naperville location.

  • Tim K.

    Like many new places, this place is way over-hyped. They are not as good as In-N-Out but certainly better than Meatheads. My burger had a strong beef taste. I think that means they are using grass fed (less expensive) beef as opposed to corn fed beef. I ordered mine with A-1 sauce. There were only two bites where I could detect any A-1. There might have been as much as 1/2 teaspoon of sauce on my burger. My wife commented that it would be nice if they toasted the bun (llike In-N-Out) because her's was soggy. The fries did taste freshly cut but they were soggy and greasy. Red Robin still has the best fries in this area.

  • Bill M.

    Ordered online at 8pm and was thrilled they said it would be ready by 8:08pm. Walked in at 8:10 (couldn't skip the line like they preach) and promptly waiting for my 2 burgers. People came and went getting their burgers, but I stood and waited as 8 workers stood around the stainless steel table in the middle of the kitchen laughing and talking. After standing there for 15 minutes ( no one even cared enough to ask me what I was waiting for) I asked them what the wait was. All 8 workers looked at each other as if I had just asked for a shit sandwich and then started making my food - they forgot. I walked out of the place at 8:31pm. Got home to the Cajun fries that were 2 bucks more for some lame seasoning. Needless to say, this was my first and last time stepping foot into a five guys. The burger was average at best - in and out is much much better. Great first impression - it might just be the location, but beware!

  • Hillary S.

    Love the burgers and fries. Decent price for what you get.

  • Justin G.

    With all the best of awards hanging on the way I was expecting something better than what I could get out of a package and make at home. In fact Jewel Pup burgers are way better than what they offer here. Also the fries although fresh are nothing special. I wouldn't spend my money here again.

  • Nancy N.

    O.M.G! this place is great and i'm a huge burger and fries junkie. yes it was a tiny bit pricey but i think it's well worth it for a juicy, melt in your mouth hamburger. and geez do they have so many toppings to choose from and a touch screen soda machine with dozens of flavors. and so much fries, you can easily share a regular sized fries with two people. and you get free peanuts lol. this place is definitely worth a try and then you will be hooked. i honestly think these burgers are better than Portillo's (gasp!) try this place!

  • Bill S.

    Burgers are good, but not much better than a lot of places....and when you consider the premium price you pay, you may get as good a burger for less money elsewhere.

  • Vany A.

    It's kind of crazy to me that my boyfriend and I had driven past this establishment numerous times, but never really noticed it was a burger joint. A co-worker of mine recommended it to me, so I decided to skip out on lunch and try it for dinner. I can say with all honesty that I was not disappointed one bit. It is a very no-frills establishment, which in my opinion, is a good thing. I hate pretentious places which make you feel like you are at a black tie affair when it's really just a regular ol' burger joint. Everything is made-to-order and fresh. No freezers in this place. They hand make the burgers from scratch, and cut the fries from potatoes straight out of the bag. The service was quick, and you can't beat the free peanuts and refills. One tip though, the portions are huge. A "regular" burger contains two meat patties, so if you aren't completely famished or have a hearty appetite, I suggest you go with the "little" burger (same burger, with a single patty instead of a double Don't let the name fool you.) Your burger is customizable with free toppings, which include mayo, relish, onions, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard, jalapeño peppers, green peppers, A.1. steak sauce, bar-b-q sauce, and hot sauce. Also, they are VERY generous with their french fry portions. My bf and I shared a large fry, and it was hard for us to finish it since there were so many. Didn't get to try the Cajun fries, but that will definitely be on my list for the next time I have another burger craving. Overall it's a great alternative to the drive-through and you won't be disappointed with the taste of the food. A must-try, at least once.

  • Andy G.

    So far this is my favorite fast food burger, but it just doesn't make the cut in comparison to a gourmet restaurant burger such as Kuma's Korner or Tilted Kilt. The burgers are very juicy, generously sized, and have great flavor. Prices are reasonable. They have a good choice of free toppings, but menu options are limited.

  • Gerald S.

    Just ok nothing great I lived in California for 7 years and " In N Out " blows them away! sorry guys but I think you should hop a flight and try them out then go back to the drawing board. After all the hub bub I tried it and it was good but honestly I think Culver's is just as good or better with kick but custard to boot! Save your money and for all of you who think it is the best burger ever go take a trip to Cali and try "In N Out". If you like 5 guys they will blow your mind. I guess if you have never had better it makes them seem like more then they are. It was a big let down after them being compared to my favorite.

  • Jon G.

    I went here recently for the second or third time. The burgers get a 10 out of 10 from me. 10 being this burger will put the biggest smile on your face. They are cooked to order and very juicy. And the toppings, look out! Green Peppers as an option? BOOOOOOOOM! I suggest all of you kooky people try this topping on your burger. It will really set it off. Some of the other toppings are amazing as well. Mushrooms, grilled onions, that is what i am talking about. And all the toppings are free. The sauce toppings are also great. Ok kids, let us talk about the fries here. They are made with the skin on, nuff said! They are not too crispy, which is ok. For all of you people who only like crispy fries, get over it! These fries rule. And the regular order of fries is a kooky, huge amount! When you see grease from the fries soaked through the bag, you know you are in for a wonderful fry eating experience. This place fixes my wagon! And then some!

  • Mary K.

    What a disappointment. After all the ggreat stuff I have read on here and the comments people have made about how wonderful Fives Guys is I was disappointed. I thought it was just o.k. nothing like the reviews I have read. I'm going to save my money next time.

  • Amy D.

    I don't understand all the fanfare with this place: the food is absolutely average in taste, incredibly greasy, and way overpriced. For 2 burgers, 2 fries, and 2 drinks, we paid $27. I would much rather a Sonic Drive-in burger. While the food wasn't bad, I probably wouldn't dine here again.

  • David O.

    Came into Five Guys on a rainy morning about an hour after they opened. I immediately noticed how clean and bright the restaurant was. I was greeted immediately and helped through the order process by very friendly staff. The burgers take 7-10 minutes, but they tell you that right away. The food was absolutely worth the wait. Burger was very juicy, perfect and tasty bun with crisp pickles and juicy tomato. Great experience, thanks Five Guys crew!

  • Karen F.

    The Pros: The seasoned fries are FABULOUS and they always give you a TON. A regular is plenty to feed 3 people. The fries are salty, potato-y in the middle, and has a wonderful crisp on the outside. 5 Guy's fries are serious contenders. The burger is also juicy, and well cooked. For a normal burger they give you 2 patties, and small is one patty. I will get one patty and it fills me up plenty! The Cons: The burger kind of looks like Wendy's... same exact packaging as well. At other burger places there are so many unique toppings to choose from and wrapped in a nice little box. Also, 5 Guys makes me feel a little greasy when I walk in... like I should be getting it after a night of drinking. Fries, burger, and a drink will put you to shy of $15. WHAT. Overall, it is a solid place. I just don't think that this place comes to mind when I want a good burger.

  • Melanie B.

    After getting 4 shots in her tiny thighs, my 4 yr old asked for her favorite "protein" as she called it. Burgers. Not just any burger, but specifically a dripping juicy burger from Five Guys. With her Snoopy band-aids in place and the tears streaming down her face, I couldn't possibly refuse. I'm on a strict diet but didn't skip a beat to respond with "Yes, we can go to Five Guys." I don't eat fast food much, but Five Guys in on the list of places I'll occasionally agree to go to. My only rule is that it cannot be a weekend night. --When that business strip is filled to the brink with untamed letterman jackets, loud girls and plenty of acne. But early evening on a Wed, I can do. The place was nearly empty. I even managed to get one of the parking spots behind the building that are so easily forgotten. I won't drone on about what you'll find here. It's burgers and fries. Doubles or Singles, Large fries or Regular Fries. The fries are fresh. Cut from potatoes, not dumped out of a bag that was delivered on a semi. We had 6 of us there and we didn't finish 2 large fries. Although they don't use this wording, they put the "super" in "super size"! My kids would be all too happy to have one of those soda machines installed in our house. They give new meaning to "mixed drinks". While, I usually wouldn't eat this, I settled on the fact that you can order a burger wrapped in lettuce instead of in a bun. You can also get it in a bowl and eat it with a fork. I went for the wrap. I still wouldn't call it "healthy", but I was satisfied to order a burger (no cheese) wrapped in lettuce and loaded with everything, minus mayo and ketchup. It was as health friendly as I was going to get at a burger joint. And it tasted great. I was missing nothing by omitting the bun! I did break down and eat 6 French fries. With ketchup. Some things just can't be helped.

  • Carrie S.

    This is a solid burger place and you can't hate the plethora of complimentary items - peanuts, burger toppings, peanut containers... I guess that is it. The burgers are big (double patty is standard, greasy (which is good), and made fresh to order. The fries could always use an additional minute in the fryer, but that's okay - they gave you a shload of them so quit complaining. The one thing I really don't like is the interior. Stark white with lots of stupidly obscure quotes and accolades about the chain. Oh I didn't know the Cleveland Independent Times said the burgers here are great! That shit sounds made up and I don't really care. When did I become such a grizzled jerk?

  • Jon A.

    The meal was great as always, but they really need to change their name if they're going to have four girls and a guy run the place

  • Tim C.

    The kids and I stumbled upon this place by accident...and we will return on purpose! We each got a burger, mine with ALL of the 15 toppings. To die for! And a large frie to split? We could have shared that bag of fries with the whole place. Wow!

  • Auriel G.

    Tha best Cheese Burgers & Fries in Naperville!

  • Samantha B.

    Too expensive for burgers and I don't like the fact that you have to specify that you want a single patty. They automatically assume you want a double. Fries are bland and if you get the cajun for some flavor they are always over-seasoned. Just can't win. How many guys does it take to make a good burger joint?? Obviously more than five.

  • David Z.

    The Burgers are very fresh and tasty! I enjoy the fresh potato's that are what makes the fries so good! Now my question I am looking to confirm that Five Guys at this address is closing? do we know when it going to happen? The Naperville Sun posted a story today that Naf Naf Grill is opening up in this space?

  • Michael C.

    I love Five Guys Burgers.....this location was clean and the staff was very helpful in advising me on what to order. This place has passed up Portillos as my favorite burger place. Burgers are made like they should be greasy and full of meat.

  • Steve G.

    I'm on the fence here. This is still a pretty good burger and the fries are good, too. But I think I'm getting jaded on the large amounts of grease that soak through the fry bag, and the near tasteless burger that is saved by the toppings -- and hurt by a fall apart bun. My gut was rebelling against the grease for a couple days later, so this may have been my last visit. Not sure if that's 5G's fault or my aging tummy... Oh, and the peanuts were soft.

  • Kimbo S.

    interior is okay, lots of red and white, the service itself was somewhat fast, however the burger itself is very greasy and just average, however they give you tons of fries that are very good, almost a little too much salt however, overall pretty good

  • Jen K.

    Can someone please tell me what is up with this place? Not just this location, but Five Guys in general. Did these guys sell their souls to the devil to turn a profit? To make girls run screaming for the place? I get the pay a certain price for a burger, and you get pretty much anything you want on it. That's pretty sweet. But I guess I'd like it better if the burger was really good. It's just ok. Maybe I'm being a burger snob here, but I just don't get the hype!! I'd rather pay more money somewhere else, pay for the individual toppings that I want, and get something that is truly satisfying. I think their cajun fries are way, WAY too over-seasoned. I keep ordering them hoping for something different, but they turn out the same every time. But, I'm not going to knock this location. The people here are always very friendly and quick to get you your food. They also put up with drunk late night people really well. So I'll give the place 3 stars, since they have polite, patient staff.

  • Andy M.

    I usually despise chain restaurants and everything they represent. Maybe it's a death wish that leads me to places with calorie laden food that literally clogs your arteries on the spot. Sorry folks, I can't help it. Five Guys makes one delicious burger. What set's Five Guys apart from the other Evil Empire Burger joints? It's the ingredients. The Burger and toppings all taste freshly made. The meat they use is mouth watering. Five Guys is not cheap. My wife and I spent close to $25.00 for our Burgers, fries and drinks. But we walked away sated, happy and ready for a long nap. I can't ask for anything more. Here's the bottom line. Five guys is a guilty pleasure of mine. If I ate here more than once a year, I would surely die of a grabber. But if you're in the mood to blow off your diet and live a little, this is a good place to do it. We all have to treat ourselves once in a while.

  • Tricia D.

    Five Guys is an exciting upgrade from whatever used to be in this location. It's surprisingly spacious inside, and there's outdoor seating too. It was noted that 70% of the customers walk in and proceed to the wrong side of the line (by 'pick up', the sign means pick up, and not order here). I was more impressed with my burger and fries when I hit the Five Guys at the Dulles airport, but fresh patties and fresh cut fries should not go underappreciated. Can't beat additional toppings at no cost. The fries could have been crisper and more seasoned, but nothing that stopped me from shoveling them into my mouth. My brother noted that if there were to be a Venn diagram of consumers at the Naperville Running Store and the crowd at Five Guys, I would be in the middle. So either I really like my greasy ass fries and burgers and am an enthused runner, or... I'm a well-fed, fast-food-pounding eater who likes to shop with lean, hardcore athletes for running gear.

  • Doc W.

    The best burger joint around, they can do it so many ways.

  • Matthew W.

    Heaven on a bun! Only thing close to In-n-Out in the Midwest...... Stopped in on a Sunday night and there was no line (first time ever????). Enjoyed passing the time for the food while eating some peanuts in the shell that are easy to scoop up (for free). However, it may be best to pass on those if you order the fries because they are SALTY......but the burger is PERFECT. My daughter got the little one, and I got the "regular". There is nothing regualar about it.....two patties and perfectly melted cheese = PERFECTION. 1 LCB (small one) 4.59 1 Fry 2.99 1 CB (regular) 6.29 1 Reg Drink 2.19 Total = $17.63

  • Chris M.

    I asked for a cup for water, and was told they don't give water cups. I told them that was absurd, they told me, and I quote "F*** off and put your head under the dispenser if you want water". I won't be coming back.

  • Shane O.

    It's hard for me to give 5 guys anything but 5 stars. This place just seems to fit me and my family really well. Everyone we've encountered at this restaurant has been really nice and we like the music they play as well. Everything seems fresh and it's all made to order. I love that. I highly recommend 5 guys wherever you're at.

  • Matt G.

    Seriously delicious burgers and fries! Don't come in this place if you've got a peanut allergy though- there are peanuts everywhere, available as kind of a self-serve snack. The burger here is seriously delicious. I don't eat many burgers, but when I do, I want them to taste like a Five Guys burger. The standard is the double patty, I believe they're about a 1/4 pound each, so the regular is 1/2 lb before cooking. There's also a "small" burger at 1/4 lb, so the calories will be packed on here regardless. They only have American cheese (gross!) so I opt for the standard lettuce, tomato, pickles, and grilled jalapenos. They have your standard condiments including mayo, mustard, and ketchup, but they take it a step further with BBQ sauce, hot sauce, and a few others. The fries are insanely good here, too. We had a large order for my kids and I, and there was probably a pound and a half of spuds in the order. Seriously! Crazy huge portions~ and utterly delicious! If you're a vegetarian I did see they have a veggie burger, but when I'm here I'm all about the beef. This place has simple food served in an old-school type atmosphere. For the quality and the price it can't be beat. If you're jonesing for a great burger when in d'town Naperville, look no further than Five Guys.

  • Shannon M.

    Why didn't I get here sooner? These are great burgers (and supposedly Obama's favorite). The young man and I went for dinner last night. He'd been before, I hadn't. In the dark of night, the white tile of the restaurant gleamed out like a beacon. The menu is pretty stripped down: a couple of burger sizes and options, and then a bunch of toppings (all of which were free, a nice touch, unlike, say, Epic Burger in the city). It was nice to know (gratis my boyfriend) that the Little Hamburger is still plenty (one patty; the "Hamburger" is two patties), and the regular fry is quite big (they shovel an additional scoop of fries into your bag too). I went with the Little Bacon Burger with grilled onions, and split a regular fry with him. The burger was damn tasty: meat not too greasy, and the bacon and onions had a nice sweetness to them. As to the fries, it was actually discernible that they had come from a potato, not only because of the bits of skin on the ends but also because of the fluffy insides that hinted at their true origins (unlike fast food fries and so many others). Decor here is pretty streamlined: again that white tile, some red checkerboard trim, and lots of magazine clippings and quotes on the walls from newspapers around the country proclaiming them the best at what they do. I was a little annoyed by the ego aspect; it was like everywhere you turned, "Look how great we are! No seriously, we mean it!! EVERYONE says so!" Also, the music was cranked up just this side of too loud (as if they were trying to excite people, but since it was like 8 pm on a week night, the diners mostly looked fatigued in the overly-bright light), and the tunes consisted (quoth my boyfriend) of "all the '80s songs you'd never heard." Definitely of the era, but almost nothing recognizable. I don't really get what people are complaining about regarding price. Yes, a meal here is a bit more costly than fast food, but the burgers also taste a lot better. And it's cheaper than the burgers at, say, Bar Louie in the same strip. Priorities, I guess. At any rate, definitely a worthy entry in the burger pantheon. 5 Guys would be 5 stars if not for the atmosphere (I guess next time I can get it to go!)

  • Andrew T.

    Great sandwiches here. My personal favorite is the bacon cheese dog. Good place for a quality, no frills burger, dog, or sandwich. They also have a long list of toppings you can add for free, SCORE. I hear the fries are the major seller but I cannot try them due to my peanut allergy. The servings are huge, so I would recommend splitting one order with friends. Another thing I noticed is that this place is RIDICULOUSLY clean. When I mean RIDICULOUSLY clean, it almost gives off a sterilized aura. They also sell Coca-Cola products, so knock yourself out if that is your thing. Good work Five Dudes.

  • Joe E.

    I had heard a ton of good things about Five Guys from numerous sources. Stumbled upon this location at halftime of a North Central football game. You come here for the Burgers and Fries. I only got a burger, but I had a ton of free peanuts as well. Their regular burgers are 2 patties, so if you don't have the appetite, get the little burger. They also give a huge amount of fries even in the small size. Come hungry, you'll get your fill. Don't intend on eating healthy here.

  • Pascal M.

    I'm curious to see what will happen to the slew of Burger chains that has sprouted these past few years. I mean, what took so long for this country and entrepreneurs to realize they could compete directly with the fast food chains by providing better quality burgers? How long will these business continue to succeed? Out of them all, Five Guy's clearly stands at the top. Could have something to do with the promo Obama gave them a while back. Or that they rapidly expanded, but be careful 5 dude's. Remember what happened to Crispy Cream? I like the environment, it's friendly and fast paced. You get your food pretty quickly. The burgers are pretty good. However, I consider myself a burger connoisseur. So this could certainly be a 4-5 star burger for the average burgerholic. I like the mass of toppings you can choose from. They all taste great together, but it does get pretty sloppy. Their fries are good, but I despise the amount they give you. It's almost a school lunch bag full of em'. I usually end up throwing away almost 3/4 of the bag. If you go with people, I strongly urge you to share with your group. Five Guys is a solid burger chain that is a nice switch from fast food.

  • Howard L.

    I made it here for a Friday lunch with a colleague. It was a good 4 star burger. This store was huge and twice as big as the one I went to in Carson, CA. There was a pretty long line but it was handled efficiently. Seating is comfortable. The bun could have been fresher, but it was still a good double-pattied burger for $4.99, which is $0.50 more than the CA store. I had it this time with BBQ sauce (which was admittedly faint but OK for me), as I also had jalepenos, grilled onions, and mushrooms - and it was comparable to my CA visit. I'll be back again at burger craving time.

  • Caroline M.

    The fries are pretty good. The burgers are huge, and I've never finished one. Granted, the majority of the times I've been there, my stomach was a little full from a couple cranberry & vodka's from Feature's. It's a good place to go once the bars close. I'm not entirely sure what time it closes on the weekends, as it was always open at past 2 am on Saturday nights. 5 Guys sober was not as good, at all. It kind of seemed like a waste of my money.

  • Brandy W.

    Being a Californian for 26 years (I'm 26), I can say that they're good... but mind you, this entire post is coming from a vegetarian. Ha. Yes, vegetarian and burger joint... hear me out... This joint reminds me of a knock-off "In n' Out" burger found mainly on the west coast. It's toned down, no messing around, burgers and fries with your choice of additions. Pros: 1. Free peanuts while you wait. 2. Chill, but good. 3. No extra cash for all the fixings. You choose what you want on your burger, free of charge. 4. The fries (while not the best), they give you a boat-load! We only ever order one regular (they don't have small and if you go large, you're crazy). Careful on the cajun style. I LOVE spicy and it's just too much. Not too spicy, but too flavorish to the point that I scrape it off in a hint to craving normalcy. 5. Coke products! 6. Outdoor seating. Cons: 1. No vegetarian burger... but they will let you get a grilled cheese with all the fixins (minus the moo moo) or a "veggie" which is grilled onion and mushrooms for like $2.89. That's cheap, folks! Consider a vegetarian sandwich at quiznos or potbelly... and they're around the $5-$6 range. So, I'd say a pro and a con. 2. Fries not the most exciting because they're fried in peanut oil, not veggie or canola. Not that I don't like the oil, it's just not the best on fries. They don't have the super crispy texture you want if you're going to indulge. 3. Cheese is processed. I guess I'm spoiled with deli sliced cheese, but I just much prefer it to the kraft (wrapped in plastic peelie).

  • LoudMouth M.

    Best burgers you will ever get at a chain next to In-N-Out (the now ever on-going battle to the burger connoisseur.) I don't even care to talk about the service which was GOOD! The place was clean. I got my food in under 10 minutes with roughly 10-15 people ahead of me. I've been here a lot. Never an issue. Now I am hungry for one.

  • Justin G.

    This chain needs to pack it's ass up and go back to the east coast. Yeah, the burgers are good, but why is anyone paying this kind of price? I've gotten burgers twice as good for a couple dollars more with a side and a drink. I've gotten burgers almost as good for half the price. Seriously, $6 for nothing but a grease ridden cheeseburger that's not even all that filling? And you fools paying the price of this crap are just encouraging inflation in the midwest to New York prices. But maybe they put something in the peanuts that's got you addicted. i didn't have any.

  • Jen L.

    I love Five Guys! Their burgers are always fresh, juicy, and delicious! Certainly not cheap, but well worth it.

  • Jeanie P.

    Yes a regular cheeseburger is a double! oops...shoulda read the yelp reviews before coming. Anyway it was totally delicious, and the flavor of the meat really stood out. The "five guy fries" are just regular fries cooked in their 100% peanut oil... but we tried the cajun version which were tasty. And yes, the regular size order of fries is huge. Anyway, the oil in this place makes for a greasy feeling after eating.. so maybe it's better to get it to go.. and clearly you should not come here if you have a peanut allergy...


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :11:00 am - 10


  • Takes Reservations : No
    Delivery : No
    Take-out : Yes
    Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Good For : Lunch
    Parking : Private Lot
    Bike Parking : Yes
    Wheelchair Accessible : Yes
    Good for Kids : Yes
    Good for Groups : Yes
    Attire : Casual
    Ambience : Casual
    Noise Level : Average
    Alcohol : No
    Outdoor Seating : Yes
    Wi-Fi : No
    Has TV : No
    Waiter Service : No
    Drive-Thru : No
    Caters : No



Burger or Hamburger is savored as the most desired fast food meal in the United States. A hamburger is basically a sandwich prepared by stuffing ground meat patty, generally beef, between two slices of a bun cut in half. Hamburger is also famous for its seasoning. Most popular condiments used in hamburgers in the United States are mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup. Besides ground meat patty, hamburgers are also stuffed with lettuce, onions, tomato slices, pickles, and cheese.

Hamburgers are also categorized into two types in the United States. Fast food hamburger and individual hamburgers served at restaurants are two basic types of burgers served in the United States. The individual hamburgers served at restaurants are prepared using everything including lettuce, onion, tomato, and sliced pickles as well as melted cheese on the patty or crumbled on top. American restaurants also serve veggie burgers for those who don't relish meat. Cheeseburgers are also hot favorite in the United States.

McDonalds is the most popular fast food burger restaurant serving different types of burgers in the United States. On the other hand, there are several restaurants such as Burger King are famous for serving the best hamburgers in the United States. Most burger restaurants in the United States often serve hamburgers with French fries and other condiments. If you have a liking for burgers in the United States, then you won't be disappointed. You can easily find the best burger restaurants in your city on our Restaurants Listings directory. Check the reviews and ratings of the top burger restaurants and savor yourself with the best hamburger in the city.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

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