Kuki’o Beach Club Menu

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  • Steve T.

    To balance out all of my other reviews of the cheapest options available, I'll offer this one of a high-end eating experience. We were invited here for dinner and drinks on multiple nights by some clients of my wife's interior design business. Apparently you have to have a membership to get in here, or be invited by a member. I think a membership is in the $250,000 a year range, so this was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to dine there. All of the meals that we had were delicious, but the one that stood out the most was the tortilla-crusted mahi-mahi. It was probably one of the best meals I've ever eaten in my life. The setting is beautiful, too. They have a regular restaurant with big, sliding doors that open onto the beach or an open-air pavilion that's surrounded by lush lawn, trees and the beach. Luckily, we got to eat at the pavilion every night. As I suppose is common in Hawaii, they lit torches throughout the grounds at night, which made it even more beautiful.


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Kuki’o Beach Club

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